The image is made of own imagination and thoughts


Digital art made by @xpilar

Outer Space 10 serie 40 A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


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Quite an interesting picture. There were some thoughts that this is a planet where spacecraft that have served their time are left, which from time to time became covered with corrosion. So say the cemetery of the spacecraft.


Charming digital artwork

I am not sure about my thought, but when I saw this work of art I remembered a turbine in a hydroelectric power station.
In hydroelectric power station, water turbines are the main equipment besides generators. Water turbines are tools for converting potential water energy into mechanical energy. This mechanical energy is then converted into electrical energy by a generator. Water turbines were developed in the 19th century and are widely used for electric power generation. Based on the working principle of the turbine in converting the potential energy of water into kinetic energy. This kinetic energy is converted into electrical energy
the way it works changes all water energy (which consists of potential energy into pressure and become speed) available into kinetic energy to rotate the turbine, thus producing kinetic energy. The potential energy of water is converted into kinetic energy in the nozle. Water exits the nozle that has a high speed hit the turbine blade. After hitting the blade the flow velocity changes so that there is a change in momentum (impulse). As a result, the turbine ignition will spin. The impulse turbine is the same pressure turbine because the water flow coming out of the nozle the pressure is the same as the surrounding atmospheric pressure. All high-energy places and pressure when entering the turbine road blade are converted to energy speed
The turbine serves to convert potential energy into mechanical energy. the falling force of the water that drives the propeller causes the turbine to spin. Most water turbines are like windmills, by replacing the wind push function to rotate the propellers replaced by water to rotate the turbines. This turbine rotation is connected to the generator.
Thank you @xpilar
Warm regard from Indonesia

Among the stars!
Hi @xpilar, this is a very extraordinary sight. However, it always takes a lot of thought to analyze your work, hehe.
As we know that night always offers a lot of beauty, and it can not be separated from the problem, of course.


A collection of dots of starlight form a charming cluster as if it were an audio-visual screen that tells many things to people on this earth.
Why? Because there are many things related to stars filled with mysteries of life. In this case, I focus on light pollution.
Why? Because the high light intensity will cause a decrease in starlight and planetary points.

(This matches the picture you made, sir.)

Star quality is reduced due to light pollution. In fact, the beauty of the night sky is also needed to conduct space research.
In addition, light pollution is a problem that is not easily solved, because on the one hand light is a symbol of the existence of cities, but night stars are also a mystery of the universe and interesting to learn not only for scientists, but for all people who have an interest in beauty and the mystery of the universe.
In this case I emphasize about controlling light pollution associated with the mystery of the universe from the night sky. Then the iron and rope contained in the picture, I think only as a supporting element.
Thank you and always happy to share stories with you, @xpilar.

Hello @xpilar
Another beautiful digital art my friend.
this art is reminds me your previous art. different between both art is day and night. theme is almost same. the sky with full of stars make this art amazing. beautiful digital art my friend. thanks for share with us..


Today I leave you (poem)

You filled my life with torture and pain.

I had trouble leaving you but today I can say that I am tired of you

I gave you my heart and you only fill it with mojo, ice and dirty.

Why are you like that? Why did not you love me like me?

I gave you so much and you do not care, so I leave with my heart badly hurt.

But I will love again and I will be happy.

But who will love you? being so animal


We are not alone.
A group of scientists sent from the nasa to some couples to be the inhabitants of a planet that discovered that it had the same characteristics and conditions of the planet earth.
These young people were all brave and enterprising, on the way through space they knew each other and enjoyed the beautiful view that the universe offered them, when a meteor hit the rocket leaving the controls unusable, all communication with the planet earth was cut off.
They did not have how to get off the rocket, or how to pilot it, they did not have how to communicate, the desperation of these young people was immense.
The scientists did everything possible to communicate but over time they assumed that there was nothing else to do and that they would never know anything more about the couples or the rocket.
For their part, the crew accepted their cruel destiny, and tried to continue with their lives.

But one day the rocket crashed into a spaceship, the crew felt a very cold breeze coming in, the rocket door had been opened by the impact.

The crew of the rocket came out and were impressed by the conditions of the rocket, the rocket that had become their home ... All parts of the machinery filled with earth, grass and ice.


It was amazing to see how this rocket was forming plant life around them, they could breathe easily ... At that the door of the spacecraft opened and all the crew left, they were impressed that they were also human beings.
They could communicate with ease because they spoke the same language.
The crew of the rocket told him what happened and the crew of the spacecraft helped repair the rocket.
The months of silence were over and the crew could communicate with the earth.
That was a world jubilee day, the crew told their impressive story and introduced the other human beings who came from another planet.
It showed we are not alone in the universe!!


You are right it looks like outer Space, the colors you use would suggest an organic life. Green and yellow for me always something associated with life. Seeing your digital Art I just spontaneously thought about "Aliens" one of my favorite and first of sci-fi movie , still I love to watch it on and off. Beautifully done :)


xpilar,al ver tu post donde refieres a esas estrellas llenas de misterios, salgo de mi y me traslado en mi imaginación hasta ese universo misterioso como tu bien dices e inescrutable, el que en alguna forma de inspiración he plasmado en parte de un poema de mi autoría que quiero compartir contigo,esta publicado en el libro DESTELLOS y dice asi:

Al único Dios vivo y verdadero

¡Dime tú oh Dios,
Señor, que debo hacer?
porque en tu esencia busco
la gran verdad.
en tus sendas o caminos
esterados de enseñanza
me extasío en mi espíritu
me deleito al universo
su estructura tan perfecta
y equipada,
cuyo autor eres tú,
oh gran Dios Omnipotente
Maravilloso Rey
del espacio celestial.

Dame fuerza, oh gran Dios,
. . . perseverancia,
imprime en mí ese don
a tal punto de cumplir
con tus mandatos,
a tal punto de no caer
en las redes del mal.

Mi corazón es sensible
¡oh Dios mío!, así lo siento;
enciérralo por favor
con la llave de tu verdad,
para que no pueda caer
por veleidades,
y así pueda discernir
el bien del mal;
en nuestros sentimientos,
¡lo sé!
todo es confuso,
si no tenemos tu gran guía

Dame ese don Jehová
dame esa fuerza
porque solamente a ti
y a través de ti
sí, solamente así
quiero amar,
con ese amor genuino,
amor sencillo,
amor que a nadie
pueda mancillar;
porque así tú lo mandas
¡oh Dios bendito!
porque así tan sublime
y generoso
ha sido impreso
en tu majestuosa
creación universal.

Me remito xpilar donde menciona esa majestuosa creación universa(parte final del poema y comienzo).Como tu dices,la contaminación, no solo lumínica, sino en muchísimos aspectos, como en parte lo describes por las imágenes captadas en la foto interfiere en la naturaleza y en la visibilidad de las estrellas.Pero hay una buena noticia: el Creador se encargara de limpiar la tierra muy pronto y aunque suena fuerte pero el dice en Revelacion 11:18 que El causara ruina a quienes están arruinando la tierra.


Hello @xpilar, nice to meet you again. honestly I am very difficult to describe your digital image. requires a very in-depth analysis to describe your digital image. but I keep trying to show the best description.

According to the description, your digital image shows that what is on earth and in the sky has the same beauty. the green color in your digital image shows plants. plants have 2 types. trees and flowers. trees can be utilized by humans in the form of wood and can be used as home furniture. while flowers can radiate beauty so that a location becomes beautiful.

and the white color shows it is human. humans and plants bond together. humans need plants, and plants need humans so they can be cared for. and the brown one is a mountain which is a pillar so that the earth is not shaken when an earthquake occurs. and mountains are also one of the beauties that exist on earth.

while the sky, also has the same beauty as the earth. in the sky there are many things that are truly amazing. there are many stars that adorn when night falls. and in the sky also has many planets, meteors, sun, and moon. all of these things show that the sky has an extraordinary beauty.

Posted using Partiko Android


Hi Snr. @xpilar

These is common days that when problems comes ways out is not to keep crying or keep sad without doing anything, but only way out is to stand from the fall and keep on pressing forward.

This family has two children, one of it his is a very brilliant in his education, while the other one didn't as brilliant like the first one. This family always saying no matter their children go to school, despite their financial situation, this family didn't give up.

One morning, these two children were on the way to school when one car hit her up, she was rushed to the forest, throughout the day this family keep their but this child didn't wake up, Dr told them to keep praying and hopeful maybe she may be luck, few minutes to noon of the second day, this child comes back alive, throughout the hardest time this family didn't lose hope, they believe and trust that everything will be fine and their hope was not lose.

In every condition which is not palatable for one's, given up is not the way out, but positive spirit, faith/believe and strong mindset.

Thanks for share your great work.



Hi @xpilar

La Serpiente Dormida

Pandora estuvo por muchos años en el centro de la atención de la comunidad científica de todas las colonias, en este planeta desterrado en las periferias de la región habitada por los humanos en la galaxia, se construyo Uróboros, el mayor y más avanzado acelerador de particular jamás creado, fue diseñado por Roberto Di Meo, uno de los más reconocidos físicos de su época, quien aseguraba que el diseño le vino en un sueño.

Uróboros eran tan grande que, con sus extrañas y vertiginosas curvas, daba una vuelta completa al planeta mismo, alrededor de su ecuador. Sin embargo, su longitud, excedía por mucho el perímetro ecuatorial de Pandora, pues su forma de espiral, como si de un resorte se tratara y además, la presencia cada cierta cantidad de kilómetros de curvas adicionales, le agregaban una longitud inconcebible.

Dos de los más importantes descubrimientos de la era de Perseo de realizaron aquí, el primero fue la confirmación de la existencia del gravitón, la partícula, producto de la excitación del campo gravitaciones. Esto hizo posible la construcción de tecnologías antigravedad, entre otras cosas. Y el segundo fue el descubrimiento de materia exótica, lo que serviría para crear puentes Einsteint-Rosen estables, que pudiesen ser transitables.

Hoy a más de diez mil años de su creación, Uróboros, la serpiente de Di Meo, y el propio planeta Pandora, lucen abandonado y en ruinas, el que fue uno de los mayores y más importantes instrumentos científico creado durante la era de Perseo, se encuentra parcialmente cubierto por la vegetación que crece en abundancia en el planeta, casi integrado a su salvaje entorno.

Oculta entre la vegetación, cubierta de maleza, arbustos, raíces y musgo, de lodo y rocas, cruzando ríos montañas y atravesando el frio y poblado entorno de Pandora, el cuerpo, hoy dormido, de Uróboros, continua rodeando el planeta y mordiendo su cola en un ciclo sin fin, esperando a despertar de su sueño eterno; como si de algún viejo mito de una civilización antigua se tratará.

The Sleeping Snake

Pandora was for many years in the center of the attention of the scientific community of all the colonies, in this planet exiled in the peripheries of the region inhabited by humans in the galaxy, Uroboros was constructed, the biggest and most advanced accelerator of particular ever created, it was designed by Roberto Di Meo, one of the most recognized physicists of his time, who assured that the design came to him in a dream.

Uroboros were so big that, with its strange and vertiginous curves, it gave a complete turn to the planet itself, around its equator. However, its length far exceeded the equatorial perimeter of Pandora, because its spiral shape, as if it were a spring and also, the presence of each certain number of kilometers of additional curves, added an inconceivable length.

Two of the most important discoveries of the era of Perseus made here, the first was the confirmation of the existence of the graviton, the particle, product of the excitation of the field gravitations. This made possible the construction of antigravity technologies, among other things. And the second was the discovery of exotic matter, which would serve to create stable Einsteint-Rosen bridges, which could be passable.

Today, more than ten thousand years after its creation, Uroboros, Di Meo's snake, and Pandora's own planet, look abandoned and in ruins, the one that was one of the biggest and most important scientific instruments created during the Perseus era, is partially covered by the vegetation that grows in abundance on the planet, almost integrated to its wild environment.

Hidden among the vegetation, covered with weeds, bushes, roots and moss, mud and rocks, crossing rivers, mountains and crossing the cold and populated environment of Pandora, the body, now asleep, of Uroboros, continues to surround the planet and bite its tail in an endless cycle, waiting to wake up from its eternal sleep, as if some old myth of an ancient civilization were involved.

Thank you @xpilar, I hope the story was to your liking.
