How to Make Gluten-Free Sweet Cookies for Winter Holidays



This post is for my mother, Diana, here in the pic she took for me and my sister while dancing on St Nicholas. We didn't manage to meet this year.

Ever found yourself curious about the secret to crafting gluten-free sweet cookies that not only tantalize your taste buds but also weave a tale of tradition, warmth, and a mother's love?
Join me on a delightful trippy-tasty-trip through our family's winter holiday tradition :) a journey where each cookie is a chapter in a story of nostalgia, care, and the perfect blend of flavors.

☃️ Every winter holiday season brings with it an extra-special sign of care and warmth, courtesy of my wonderful mother's gluten-free sweet cookies. These delightful treats have become more than just a delicious indulgence for me and my sisters...they are a tangible expression of belonging, of being cherished, and most importantly, of being loved.
As I still feel the damage in my microbiome, with my post-COVID diet since March, each batch of these homemade wonders is like a gift from the heart. The careful selection of ingredients, the precise measurements, and the meticulous process all underscore the love and consideration that my mother pours into these cookies. Mmmm... delightful flavors plus the thoughtfulness behind every ingredient, making each cookie a small but significant gesture of appreciation.

I love ❤️💟💚💓🤍cardamom and it got a bit expensive here. I used to buy it from Aliexpress for my mother but I can barely find it lately. I think I will try Alibaba next time.

Wondering why cardamom takes center stage in this delicious recipe?
Beyond its aromatic charm, cardamom plays a pivotal role in elevating the taste profile of these treats, introducing a subtle warmth and complexity that transforms each bite into a flavorful symphony. And there's a touch of familial nostalgia here too...I found out that back in my mother's youth, carob powder held a special place in her kitchen, adding a rich dimension that bridges the past with the present in every batch. They were poor and carob was cheaper than flour.

Now, let's get into the dynamics of crafting these gluten-free wonders.
How do you create these sweet cookies that are not just delectable but also a tangible expression of love and care? (I also like to cook for those that I love, just like my mother does for us).
Here it is!


100g buckwheat flour
100g quinoa flour
100g chickpea flour
40g cocoa powder or carob powder
100g date molasses or coconut sugar
1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder
100g melted coconut oil
75ml plant-based milk or apple juice


Let's sail together (I just learned how to do it last summer Heheh!) on this culinary she/her-story (it's my mom's receipt) by blending the dry ingredients, which are chickpea flour, quinoa flour, buckwheat flour, cocoa or carob powder, cardamom powder, and coconut sugar. Lay the foundation for the magic that's about to unfold.
Pour in the melted coconut oil, and the plant-based milk or apple juice.
Watch as these liquids weave their magic, binding the ingredients together into a harmonious dough that's ready for transformation.
With care and dedication, stir the ingredients until the dough comes to life...mmmmm...a creation, a canvas of flavors waiting to be savored. I'm craving for some chukl33t right now! But have to stay on with my diet...:(
Mold the dough into cookies, each one a small gesture of love and effort invested in this cherished tradition. Place them in the oven and let the enchantment unfold—--->>> about 30 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius (356 degrees Fahrenheit).
Feel it!
As these cookies bake, the kitchen fills with a captivating aroma, carrying with it the essence of family, tradition, and the joy of the holidays. The result? Crunchy, gluten-free, sugar-free delights that pair perfectly with a warm cup of tea on a cold winter day.

This recipe isn't just a collection of ingredients and instructions. To me, it's really a decrypted story of the sweet gifts we got as children ...each St Nicholas or Christmas Eve from my mother. It encompasses stories, memories, and love that transform a simple question about cookies into a cherished family tradition. It can have this effect...:)

And to our friends in the Hive community with gluten intolerance, rejoice!
These cookies are crafted with your enjoyment in mind, ensuring that the pleasure of indulging in delightful treats knows no boundaries. Here's to happy baking, joyful holidays, and may each cookie carry a piece of our heart to yours!

Every winter, as the scent of these gluten-free delights fills the air, it serves as a reminder that these cookies are more than just a culinary creation. They symbolize a tradition rooted in care and affection, a tradition that brings us (my family) together as a family and creates lasting memories. In the context of my health-conscious journey, these cookies have taken on a new significance. They represent an extra sign of care, demonstrating that even in the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, joy and flavor need not be compromised. My mother's commitment to crafting these gluten-free treats is an extra sign of her support for my choices and her encouragement to savor life's pleasures in a balanced way.

So, with each winter holiday that rolls around, these cookies become more than a treat and they could become for you too. In my case, they become a tradition that strengthens our familial bonds, an expression of love that warms our hearts, and a symbol of gratitude that I hold close to my soul. Here's to another winter filled with the warmth of family, the joy of tradition, and the sweetness of my mother's gluten-free love.

And to our incredible Hive community with gluten intolerance, may these cookies bring you the same joy and satisfaction, proving that even in dietary restrictions, there's room for indulgence and delight.
Happy baking, happy holidays, and happy hearts!

Thank you for reading!
With respect,


Good evening @zpek, I invite you to please read our community rules, and also these posts, which can guide you on how to publish in this community.

I see in this post that there is only one photo, and there is no step by step with photos of the recipe, only a text with explanations, and this is not what is expected in this community.


Hi, Sirena. I've hurried to design a photo with the step-by-step ingredients and instructions. I hope this is better. I've inserted it after the main key points that I wanted to express in my post. Next time, I will make a more professional design.


It's not that you post a photo taken by someone else, it's that you make your recipe and document it step by step, not only in text, but also in photos, and that you are in the photos making your preparations.

In the community we hope that users share their authentic experiences, not with photos from image banks, even if they are copyright-free.

Keep these observations in mind for your future publications. Greetings!


The initial photo was generated with AI online like this, see the photo in this reply. So it was not, by any means, belonging to anybody else. I generated it in AI since I don't have any cookies left here from my mother. And then I added the icons for holidays and the writing. The second picture is just to illustrate the steps. I haven't tried the receipt yet, so I cannot lie that I did or put myself in the photo. I will make sure not to post any cooking intention or receipt again here since I don't have the time to cook it, even if it belongs to my mother or my girlfriend. I see. As long as I don't cook it, I won't post about it. My experience is authentic and I wrote about it as it has marked years of my life and my sisters' life. It is an offense that you consider something else through your 2nd phrase generalization. The image is not from an image bank. At least, I paid to generate it as I use a paid AI and then added my icons for holidays. No need to keep anything in mind, Sirena. This is my last post here. I dislike the attitude and feel offended by the tone and your presuppositions. Thanks for this experience.


AI is not allowed in gastronomic communities, even if you are the one who generated it


Got it and no point to ever consider any apologies. Changed with mother's last picture. Please refrain from contacting me here on Hive again. I intend to keep in contact only with a certain kind of people.
