This is why I am accumulating NFTs in Solana.


I have always liked the subject of NFT Art, and even more so when it refers to the NFT art of the Solana network.

I have always mentioned it in my publications and today I will talk a little more focused on this topic, because I want to show you my collection of NFTs, I want to talk about the process of how I have obtained them and why I am accumulating them.

Make yourself comfortable, here I start with today's article, which I hope will be of your interest, and remember to leave your opinion in the comments.

My NFT (Kritter Universe 17 CYBERPUNK) - Edited in Photoshop CC

Table of contents for this article:

♦️ NFT market in the Solana network.

♦️ My collection of NFTs.

♦️ My stated goal and reasons for accumulating NFTs.

NFT market in the Solana network.

Like me, the Solana network appeals to us because of its low transaction costs, as well as the speed of transaction validations, so it is important to point this out from the start.

Solana has been a network that over time has become popular, not to mention that recently has broken the record as one of the most searched words in recent weeks on Google, but that's another topic, because here I will talk about the NFTs in Solana.

The NFT art in this network is simply amazing, I admit that in NFT markets like Opensea of Ethereum network we can also find very good and popular collections as the clear example of Cryptopunks and much more, but in Ethereum only the purchase commission fee can cost you even 50$ or more, it all depends on how congested the network is at that moment when you are buying your NFT.

Unlike Ethereum's NFT market, in Solana you will not pay high commissions for the purchase of an NFT, and that is what many of us like, because it gives us the freedom to make more purchases or transactions for a low commission fee.

Degenerate Ape Academy is one of those collections that became popular very fast in the market, you can look for it in the Solanart market, this is a collection that I particularly loved because of its art style, taking into account that this collection was created long before it was possible to generate images with artificial intelligence, so this was genuine art and with many hours of dedication.

This collection has a total of 10k items, you will surely think that it is a very big amount, but each one of the items is different, their rarities and accessories are what make them special and eye catching.


You can see that the purchase value of these NFTs varies a lot depending on their characteristics, being with a minimum value from 11 $SOL = 1933$ to an expensive value of 76.875 $SOL = 13.511,550$.

Of course this was not the mint value of these NFTs, because at the time of the minting of these NFTs the value was cheaper, but each user after minting his NFT can put the value that they consider it has.

My NFT (Meet Roach) - Edited in Photoshop CC

My collection of NFTs.

The NFTs I currently have in my Solana wallet are not as expensive as the NFTs in the collection I have shown you above, but I still continue to accumulate them with a fixed idea.

I have a total of 40 NFTs in my possession, all in the Solana network and here are the images of each one.

My NFT collection

Surely you are wondering what is the value of my collection, well I will tell you that at the moment it has no value, because the idea of keeping these NFTs is something totally different to generate sales, but in a next post I will explain what this is all about, because it is a project with which you can get NFTs of different types ....

Now I will explain a little bit about why I am accumulating these NFTs.

My NFT (Do you even $duko?) - Edited in Photoshop CC

My stated goal and reasons for accumulating NFTs.

I want to generate activity in the Solana network, currently the Solana network is having inclusion of new projects, new NFTs and also some MEMECOINS, for this reason it is important to generate activity with our wallet in this network, because sometimes some Airdrops are distributed in this network for the holders of some NFTs as well as for the users that have some transactions made in Solana.

My goal is to generate a good activity in the network, so that in future projects or future Airdrops, my Solana wallet is marked as one of the active wallets and I can opt for some benefits.

Do you have NFTs in Solana?

It would be great to know your opinion in the comments, thank you very much for reading my content and I hope you have a happy weekend.

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English is not my native language, so I have used Hive Translator...

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