RE: HBD Pay, app and marketing Proposal #302 [ENG-ESP]


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It's great that you're asking all these questions because, as co-owners of Hive, we need to understand where the investment is going.

I'll answer in parts.

  1. Although the goal is the same, the way it operates is different. In my case, I've seen many businesses reluctant to download more applications. They also don't want to generate a code for each transaction. My proposal works online, and the business owner doesn't have to do any tasks to receive payment. The design and functionality concept is based on my experience with adoption.

  2. The project is for one year. This includes salary payments, including the marketing team, graphic design, production of various short videos, promotional material, operational costs, etc.

  3. About half of the budget is allocated to personnel payments, including the community managers.

  4. Approximately one-third goes towards the marketing campaign.

  5. Undoubtedly, the success of the project will be measured by adoption and seeing businesses or services using the platform. While we have clear overall goals, the marketing team wants to see the project in action to establish specific and measurable targets.

  6. When the idea of HBD Pay was born, it was intended to be a subscription-based paid service. However, we found it more attractive to offer it for free as part of Hive's structure, as this is how it can become a user acquisition tool. That's why the idea of funding it through DHF emerged, so that it has no cost for the user.

I hope these answers satisfy your interest!


Thank you ! The fact that you've actually taken time to answer my questions is a big positive sign for me, and definitely helps towards a better understanding of what we're funding and how the HBD would be used 😀
