The Truth About Christmas - Will The Real Saint Nick Please Stand Up

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If you can´t handle the truth, stop reading right there.
If you were shocked yesterday to find out that Jesus was not born on Christmas Day, stop now.
Because, Today I will be revealing Santa´s Dirty Little Secrets.

It´s Christmas Time

Now if you did not get it before, the 25th of Dec was not the birthday of the savior... just read yesterday's post

December 25th was chosen as the date for Christmas during the 4th century, likely to coincide with existing pagan festivals that took place around the winter solstice.

The Birthdate would probably be somewhere in the spring, why....because of the sheep.
Remember the shepherds in the fields, those did not stay without with the sheep in winter. Only in spring when the sheep would give birth to the lambs (of God).

As always the church was looking for a way to turn souls to Christianity and this was a smart way to let those pathetic pagans keep some of their weird religion and slowly reform them.


And don´t tell me that is fake news because, during the 17th century, Puritans in England and later in colonial America opposed the celebration of Christmas.

They viewed it as a pagan-influenced festival and believed it lacked biblical support. For that reason, Christmas celebrations were, at times, banned in parts of England.

Influenced by the Victorian era, Christmas became more family-oriented, emphasizing gift-giving, decorations, and festive meals. Well, Queen Victoria loved her meals I guess that is what started this overeating festivity.


A Christmas Carol

The publication of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" in 1843 also played a role in shaping the modern Christmas spirit.

But it got worse, first, the spirit of Christmas was stolen by the church and then hijacked by Coca Cola causing Christmas to become increasingly commercialized.

Retailers seized on the holiday as an opportunity for sales, and the image of Santa Claus as a gift-giver became popular.

Before Coke he looked more like this:

Source Wikipedia
But too much Coke made him Jolly and Fat I guess and he started looking more and more like the American version of Saint Nicholaas.

Yes, indeed that old Dutch Folk Hero and his black Pete´s. And even AI has trouble not mixing them up as you can see in the background.


Are you for real?

Yes, I am for real, I base myself on the earliest documented texts in the US describing these festivities:

The earliest conflation of the Christkindl with Santa Claus or Saint Nicholas that I can find is in an 1828 collection of New York traditions by a John F. Watson:

The Dutch kept five festivals, of peculiar notoriety, in the year—say, Kerstydt, (Christmas); Nieuw jar, (New Year,) a great day of cake; Paas, (the Passover); Pinxter, (i.e., Whitsuntide); and San Claas, (i.e. Saint Nicholas, or Christ-kinkle day.)

Now this is where that whole mess started, those Americans thought the Dutch and Germans were one of a kind. And so where Saint Nicholas and the German Christ Kinkle day.

The merge created Kris Kringle which as you all know is the true identity of Santa Claus which indeed sounds very similar to Sinterklaas.

But it´s more fun watching Americans figuring it out, or better said not having a Christmas clue.

Now those two got it so wrong comparing Coca-Cola Claus with Sinterklaas it´s cringy. But cringy is good, especially as it shows how brainwashed people can be.

You don´t believe me do you?

In my humble opinion, the only people in the world who get it right are those Belgian, German, and Dutch peeps celebrating both as these two guys are not at all the same.

And they all know that Sinterklaas used to be real and fat Santa is just a Fantasy....tell that to the American children.

And also teach them this lovely Christmas song perfect for any holiday recital.

That Jolly Nativity Star Story

Well, I think we all know where the nativity story went from there.

Oh, btw that Nativity story with that star... was also not as straightforward as it might seem.

First of all, The involvement of astrologers in the story of the birth of Jesus was problematic for the early Church, because they condemned astrology as demonic. So why this star?

That is what keeps me going, there are a lot of cosmic happenings between 6 and 2 BC but none of them seem to be the right fit for that weird light bulb above that stable in Bethlehem.

Could it be that there was no star?
No stable?
No ox?
No kings bearing gifts?

If you come to think about it....if three kings would come looking for that star it would have taken them months. And I don´t see Maria and Joseph spending more than a night in that stable, they only slept there because the inn was full.

And if those kings would come showing their respect wouldn´t they have booked the parents of the messiah a room right away?

Bikin Bottom Line

Jesus has been used for so many people's own agenda that Christmas definitely is not what it was supposed to be according to the wise guy wearing a wooden cross.

I don´t even think he considered his Birthday to be anything that should be celebrated when he said to god:

“Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

On the other hand, it´s awesome that we still celebrate that paganistic Winter Solstice. A feast of hope, light warmth, and food at the mid-winter turning point, if you made it halfway you might live another year.

Whatever you celebrate mate, seems like we live another year, hence Feliz Fiestas.

Note From The Author

I know that writing this and exposing the truth greatly reduces my chance of getting any gifts this year, but truth above all!

Thank goodness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!

[Source Pic](All pictures are by Meme, MyI & AI unless source is listed)
