STV - L̶e̶t̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶T̶o̶ White Lies Matter



On that lazy Sunday last week, I planned to write this post, and then life happened. I got distracted and tried to sound so artistic by sharing a horrible poem.

And then things went everywhere but here.

Because when I saw this post:
[Letters to Loreena] ❖ I choose not to know you but it's insane, and I forgive me ❖

I did not want to write about translations and how badly Google translates the intent of a poetic expression. But something made me do it and I ended up with this story;
STV - L̶e̶t̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶T̶o̶ Content is not the same as Intent

So What Was The Plan Then Man?

Well, I was triggered by the title before I got confused and that title contained two things. Loreena and Letter.

And that made me think about the last real letter I had written, many years ago. If you are curious what it was about read last week´s post.

But my train of thought continued and I thought about who I wanted to write a real letter at this point in time.
Not a virtual note, but a piece of paper with ink and its own smell.

The first thing I thought about was a letter to say I am sorry. Sorry, I messed up, not even that bad but I called your wedding cold and distant.
So Sorry I did that, it was your day and I should have not expressed my feelings. Not because I should deny them but first of all because it ought to be the most beautiful day in your life there in Sienna Italy.

I should not have compared it to my little intimate wedding, but that´s what I did because I did not know better.

It was not fair; it was your party, your style and it was awesome. Not my taste, but who the fluf am I to tell you that it wasn´t my choice. That I lacked a bit of connection, a bit of unity. That it felt that everybody there wasn´t there purely because of you two.

Back in those days I still thought that people would appreciate an honest opinion. I had to learn how to lie, because white lies matter, little white lies to make others feel good.

The world is full of them, white lies, dark lies, and people with an agenda...and when I realized that I knew who I would want to write a letter to.

I would love to write ....

A letter to my unborn self. To avoid my innocence being stolen too early in life.

Guess I am in a phase of my life where reflection is key, reflections of the way life used to be.

Does a Kid have expectations about the life ahead?
Dreams for sure, but expectations?

And that is a good thing. Because life will never turn out as you expect it to. So if I could give myself some advice for the next life what would it be:

Trust Noone

Even the people closest to you have an agenda of which they might not be aware, it´s almost impossible to find someone that only has your best interest in mind.

Stay close to the mother

Not your mother, but mother nature. Humans disrupt the world and its harmony. Therefore find that balance between the distracting disturbances and the core of your being. Playing in nature and feeling her peace will allow you to grow up with a stable mindset.

And listen to your heart little me, I know you will have a very wise head on those small shoulders. But that head will make it difficult to reach your heart. Life is all about balance as I found out really late, and that brain will try to overrule the beautiful voice of your heart.

Make sure they connect, and become one. For it will allow you to enjoy life in a much broader manner.

Take care little me and do what you love.

Guess I am just a bit Special

Giving myself advice for the next life is not new to me...if you´ve read my story:
Providential (The Collection)- A true story you wouldn´t believe

Or are reading my current story:
Beyond Doubt: Whispers of the Unseen

Then you know that nothing is impossible and maybe giving yourself some tips bridging several lifetimes is not as crazy as it sounds.

Or maybe I am just a little special thinking that this is an option, Thinking that the meetings I had, from which I learned that this was a message to the future me, were real.

As I wrote back then in those stories, maybe they played tricks on me. Maybe it was all make-believe. Still, the message from hundreds of years ago reach my clouded mind.

That message slowly worked its way into my being, into my mindset, and triggered this belief that it might very well be possible.

I have accepted the possibility.
I have accepted the messages I received from beyond without doubt.

Now I need to learn how to send these messages myself and this is sort of a first try.
Although this is not the message to my future self, this was the letter I would have written myself for this lifetime.

I guess that I still need to wait and contemplate the message that would be required for me in 2500AD.....or maybe I already sent that in another lifetime. When I was better skilled to bridge that time thingy.

Do I believe that this message on the blockchain would be around in 500 years to inspire the unborn me?
Not really, but hey at least I am trying.
I am sure that if I end up with a message that is meant to be delivered to me in an era or five, it will find me.

What is Spread The Vibes

If you want to know more about the Spread The Vibe Challenge not A challenge please clikerdeeclick me

Thank goodness you made it till the end peace, love and I am out of here!

[Source Pic](All pictures are by MyI & AI)


Loreena is pretty awesome. I have always kind of like those weird artists like that though. That Yanni Live at the Acropolis show is total fire. I also used to dig me some Zamfir too.


Oh man this is indeed pretty cool;

Thanks for the suggestion


No problem. My dad used to have it on VHS and we would watch it through the old school surround sound system when I was a kid. Awesome stuff. Aria is probably one of my favorite songs.


Been working and watching really awesome wondering why I never ran into this before ...guess too many gems out there.


Yeah, there definitely are!


Guess I am just a bit Special


Sorry I could not leave this one out as whenever I read something about being special, this GIF comes to mind which makes me think back about hilarious moments in the women shelter (yes, you read it correctly, it wasn't all bad)



it wasn't all bad

Not all bad , sometimes even a little special.
Hope you all are doing good and better!


Ha! Just asked you the same question (more or less)!

Procrastinating some of the tasks around my mom's life insurance like crazy because I can't decide if I find it worth risking that this shithead of my ex locates me because my aunt is the contact person on this matter.

Feel stuck honestly, and that shitty Spanish health insurance gave me a headache today, next year, back to seguridad social for sure (a new year just started so too bad)


Can you get seguridad social being autonomo? I have both that is the best because they both have pros and cons.

I can't decide if I find it worth risking that this shithead of my ex locates me

Oh damn that makes it hard indeed


Yeah I think he even needs to have both. I can't access seguridad social now until we have the pareja de hecho, which I'm also postponing until this thing with my mother's passing is behind us, just in case. And then I want the private one back to basic next year so we still have both but not costing a kidney every month while getting shit service.

And yes, it's annoying as I can't seem to figure out what the best way to go is, never dealt with this issue before so I'm a bit lost for answers..


pareja de hecho

we need that as well, or get married but I need to sort out what is needed for it.

And yes, it's annoying as I can't seem to figure out what the best way to go is, never dealt with this issue before so I'm a bit lost for answers..

I can imagine talking about a rock and a hard place


I really enjoy your words in this post, your intentions to write to your unborn self, keeping in mind -perhaps- that there is the possibility that we will come back again and again until we learn what we should learn and did not learn. Tongue twister.
I enjoy Loreena very much as well. Thank you. This music lifts me up.

Go on, write that letter in your own handwriting. Be sure to put it in a place where upon your return, you can find it.


Thank you, and the fun part is I fully agree with your tongue twister:

we will come back again and again until we learn what we should learn and did not learn.

Thanks again for inspiring this post
