STV - Did the Music I listened to as a kid determine my path?


Did The Music Shape Me2.jpg

Let´s start by calling out the real reason why I am not writing about photographs on this lazy Sunday Morning.

@mipiano made me do it, she made me go into my storage room and look for photo albums. Just wait until you see the pictures, then you get why that was enough for me this weekend.

So I reverted to what is probably my favorite post of the week. Yes, @edje if you have not noticed yet I enjoy your Spread the Vibes (challenge not a challenge) a lot.


Because there are a lot of interesting posts about music out there, and it makes this fool stop typing and start reading. While reading the best thing happens, I get triggered.

That moment when someone else´s words inspire that single thought, that little spark, that feeling, that memory. That means you were touched, in one way or another.

In all honesty, I am not that easily touched.
Often I need to go through a couple of posts, but not this week.
This week "I fell with my nose in the butter," as the Dutch would say. It means I got lucky, but not in a sexual way (although the butter might suggest differently).

My Brother's Girlfriend: How a Photograph and a Guitar Ignited my Youthful Passion for Music [ENG/ESP]

Now I could do a whole post on my brothers' girlfriend but let's keep that for the summer when things get hot and sweaty.

This post by @freakshow90 was simply lovely. His posts are a good read in general but this one stood out. Not sure if it´s because it was inspired by @mipiano but she does bring out the best in a lot of us for some must be the teacher's gift I guess.

Freakshow got inspired and wrote some great stuff about a man who fell in love with his brother's girlfriend. He shows us how that girlfriend looked and if you checked the post and saw that smile you can imagine a young boy falling for her.

The same thing happened to me in the past a couple of times with my girlfriend's girlfriends.

But that is again a story for a hot and sweaty summer.

Let´s get back to Freaks´ story and what triggered me:

Because even in the darkest of times, music remained a light that illuminated his path.

Now that was a little corny (hence it could have been me writing that) but it set the stage and then this happened:

And although the years continue to pass, he still believes in the magic of music and in the beauty of the memories that are kept alive in his heart.

The boy in the story is secretly in love with his brother's girlfriend and wants to be a rockstar to express his platonic love for her through music, not even to impress her...although maybe....?

Now that is where I was triggered in two ways;

Thirst I thought back to the music that inspired me as a pre-teen kid. But I did not stop there, for once I thought one step beyond (that is what smart people do you know?).

Did the music I grew up listening to was a projection of my future personality or shaped that personality?

My Pre-Teen Music

Doe Maar; A Dutch semi-reggae band that sang about smoking weed but warned for heroin (a song that later seemed to refer to the band's drummer). I ended up smoking too much weed and never touched horse.

Beastie Boys; License to Ill, well what can I say I grew up drinking and smoking, fighting for my right to PARTY. Which caused me to have less of a career than I would probably have if I grew up listening to Maria Carrey.

Meatloaf; Bat out of Hell, For Crying Out Loud this is the best album of all time (except for Paradise by the Dashboard Lights of course). Ever since this album, I am in love with anything epic and it shaped my love for seeing the beauty in the roughness.

So based on those pre-teen albums, I should have grown up a weed-smoking, partying, leather jacket-wearing rocker that doesn´t mind some foul-mouthed rap once in a while.....right?

Well, I guess that pictures me exactly at 18.

The Eternal Question

Was it the chicken or the egg, the only thing I can say for sure is that the rooster came first.
That doesn´t answer the eternal question did we grow up the way we are today because of the music we listened to early in life?
Or are we able at such an early age to pick the music that fits the person we will be 10-15 years later?

Nature or Nurture?

Coming from the land of compromises I would say a little of both, as a pre-teen I had already a bit of that streetfighter mentality, probably because I had a big mouth and did not easily back down.

So what made me smoke weed?

I always blamed Ewa, as she handed me my first joint. But maybe I liked it a little too much because of my love for the Doe Maar reggae.
Anyway, it got me smoking and spending my time in coffeeshops, but I quickly moved from a coffeeshop with popular music, to a more alternative one. If I wouldn´t done that I probably would have ended up like this:

Instead of being in love with the grunge scene:

I would say that the music we grow up with determines the places we go to later in life. And of course there are the sheeple that only follow the herd. But many of us will choose to visit the places where we feel comfortable.

Music brings comfort, and so you visit places that sound like you.
There you meet people, people that like the same musical and turn into friends.
Friends have an influence on your development and the direction you go in life.

Bottom Line

The music that you listen to and shapes you as a pre-teen does certainly influence your path later in life.

On the other hand, the type of music you listened to in those early days is a reflection of who you are as you wouldn´t have liked that music if it contradicted your personality.

So the big takeaway for me here is that I will determine what my kids listen to growing up, I already made an initial selection:

My Kids Playlist

That way I do not have to worry about my dwindling pension!


Now I know that part of the STV policy is to invite others to join in. I usually do so to avoid being hunted by the MP (Music Police). This time I am truly curious to hear from some of you if the artists you listened to as a pre-teen had an impact on your teens and the life beyond.

What is Spread The Vibes

If you want to know more about the Spread The Vibe Challenge not A challenge please clikerdeeclick me

Thank goodness you made it till the end peace, love and I am out of here!

[Source Pic](MyI & AI)


Good question, looking back I listened to all sorts of music so I doubt that's the case here. But who knows :)



Drill that down, I guess you grew up in the CD age, what three CDs did you listen to most before high school?


I don't even remember how old I was but I remember my first cd single was from 2 unlimited haha

And then we had the backstreet boys and no doubt phases lol.. I'm not sure in what order though, I mean I went to a No Doubt concert which was THE BOMB! as well as BSB concert which I loved too but all was more mainstream than I listen to some years later.

I can also sing along to quite a few of the singers my mother always listen to like Lionel Richie's cd which she played 1000s of times and the Gypsy Kings lol.. just a few examples. Oh and Mariah Carey was also played until I got so sick of it but I lived there so.. what to do :)



No Doubt = Tough Girl
BSB = Romantic and slightly naughty
2 Unlimited = Trouble

So when reaching adulthood based on your band you were a Tough girl, still slightly romantic, naughty and lots of trouble.


Thanks for the mention, @whywhy! Lovely post of yours and ai'm honored for being here. Once again, thanks, mate.


It was an awesome post mate, so thank you 2


So, we are looking forward to a hot and sweaty summer. Maybe we would need to instal some powerful air conditioner system in this little corner, just in case it becomes too hot? ;)

Yeah, teachers' gift. Must be :)


An interesting question. Did the music we listened to in our pre-teenage phase affect our later path? Probably, though we could pass through several stages later. I was under the influence of my elder sister and her friends when she was a teenager... in many things, maybe the motto those days was born to be wild hahaha. Though I also kind of preserved my "exemplary" behaviour with my classical music side, you know, learning piano and all, maybe one or two times was mocked by those who wanted to seem big and tough guys, though I knew they secretly wanted to be able to play the piano hahaha


So if that is the case can we state that your teens and early twenties were wild and sometimes preserved? That would fit the music you grew up on......

Too Hot .... We are in Spain we can deal with too hot, right😎

But indeed I think you do have the teacher's gift now how does that link back to the music you grew up on? Although not everything has to be that clear cut !LOLZ


In my early twenties, I already changed style. And music. And it is not static, I mean I still like to learn about new genres. But the teacher thingy was there for the whole time, from the beginning of my piano steps, when playing (and teaching) piano became my only option ;) 🎶


Life would be so simple if I just would have one option. But I think t is, secretly I know my one option but it does not (yet) pay the bills.

it is not static

Only few people are still willing to discover new music and new genres after their mid-twenties, most are stuck for life with what they loved in their teens and early twenties.

The people that keep an open mind about music probably are the ones writing in Q as it´s not the normal thing to do 😂


Let's say it out loudly - people writing in Q are... not... normal?



I think the word used nowadays is "Special"😇


I think a new rebranding is on the way... Q-Inspired-by-Special-Music

(@edje - thoughts?)



😂😂😂 hope that it doesnt make the shortlist but @edje is special so it just might😂😂😂


That's a darn good question and I never thought about music and if it has the ability and how it will shape our lives. Since I was quite on the move during primary, secondary school and even my uni years, I lost almost all contact with my friends back then. So I suppose it wasn't the music I listened to in my teenage, and pre-teenage years that shaped my life.

But I can surely say, music shaped my life. It came a little later when I was in my 20s. When I was supposed to have moved on from my kid/teenage/student we-can-do-whatever-we-want into adult life with all sorts of responsibilities, I discovered this underground music style that brought me some of my best friends in my life. And not only that but also the way I view life turned from forward-looking into trying to make the best of today and find enjoyment in the small things, while I became much more open-minded on most to all aspects of life. Perhaps also ageing does that, but am pretty sure the 'scene' I entered in the 90s and never really stepped away from it, had a major influence on how I live my life and the peeps I'm surrounded with. You may already have guessed it. It wasn't a particular song, band, or musician, but this electronic music style called techno. And not even just techno, I would say some specific styles in that genre. Back then in the underground, these days more or less mainstream, but not the kind I love so much, the kind that attracts the peeps I like the most, that kind is still hard to find where mainstream is gathering. Fortunately, since I am not too much a mainstream kinda person {smiley}

And yes, I know you are on top of StV. Perhaps you wrote more StV entries than I have written last two years. So cool! {bow}


Hmmm that opens up another perspective: If it does not hit you as a pre-teen it hits you twice as hard later in life just like chicken pox. But I totally get it, the crowed I met during my DJ days had a huge influence on how I look at life but less on the music- I was always a bit broader oriented musically, guess you need that as a musical role model 😂😂😂😂

It´s indeed my fav post of the week, it kicks my butt to engage and I am always amazed by the finds and how they trigger a story.


I think I had to discover my music styles and took me a few decades. I remember when I got my first proper hifi system and a CD rental shop around the corner back in the late 80s, it was for me the new era of music discovering from electronic music all the way to classical and much in between. Am drawn to the little corners most dont know about. Though at hive I mostly write about techno, many different styles and genres I like. Hard to find likeminded people throughout the whole spectrum, but with techno I found at least one soulmate. Quite interesting how two individuals can be so much in sync. Sometimes I wonder if we humans are just a big ass computer with finite variations to explain the fullon sync. But thats a whole different topic 🙃


Totally other topic indeed:

Sometimes I wonder if we humans are just a big ass computer with finite variations to explain the fullon sync.

I think your example should be extended to the universe to cover all variations but other than that I fully agree!

I met a lot of awesome peeps that shared a part of my taste in music, the only one that might be as eclectic as I am could be my that case I guess it´s a gene thing 🤔
