STV - And No Religion ,Too



I like religion as much as the next guy.
Okay, that is a lie.
I like religion a lot, probably more than your average Adam or Eve.
It´s been one of the most interesting pillars of this civilization. It´s probably also the one pillar that has caused more problems than any other (women excluded).

Now I hope the big boss will forgive me for my sin of abusing the rules for the #Spreadthevibes (STV)challenge again. Although it might be minimal because there is a post, there is a musical reference, it triggered multiple songs, got me inspired....

So What The F is Wrong

Well, the post is linked to a challenge but not linked to that challenge, just like #STV is a challenge but not a challenge so I think I might be forgiven.

But first, what am I ranting on about about: This week's topic from @friendlymoose s POBphotocontest.
The Topic this week is religion, which I think is a bit controversial but should give great photo opportunities.
But that is not whywhy I am writing this post.

The post that triggered me was a short one, proving you don´t have to be profound to get my attention. Basically, the title and the picture made me do it.

Proofofbrain Photocontest: religion


Now this is not my vengeance for an overly religious Hivian unfollowing me, but that did feel like a signal from above. And a few minutes later I found this post.

Divine Intervention

Now you might or might not believe in divine intervention, but I do believe there is intervention coming from beyond this mortal coil we inhabit.


I admit, I believe and as per my latest disclaimer, I respect all that believe. The problem is that some who believe do not respect the fact that others do not believe what they believe. Can you believe that?

Okay it takes a little more to get me going and that was the small but oh-so-valuable input from @eddwood :

The topic is unfortunately not my cup of tea at all. While I often visit churches when exploring other cities, I am not a fan of religions. In fact, I officially left the association when I was just 19.

I could post pictures of churches, mosques, and synagogues here, and these pictures would surely look good in the contest. But I've done something now that I normally never do in contests.

I've used AI to draw a picture of John Lennon and added a verse from his song "Imagine" to the image. The song is one of my favorites, and its lyrics are among the most powerful and enduring that I know in song lyrics. In my opinion, it doesn't get any better than that. For expressing such opinions, he probably had to die as well.

The punch is in those last sentences. Even though I kinda got over this song I have to agree that the lyrics are one of the most powerful ever.

"Nothing To Kill Or Die For!"

Life is precious so there should be nothing to die for, and therefore also nothing to kill for.
Funny thing is, too many brain-dead beings kill for all the wrong reasons (that btw is easy as there are no good reasons). Now of course you can argue that if your country is overrun by others you have the right to defend yourself.

And you have, but killing has never proven to be the way to solve these types of situations. The good thing is that it at least helps to reduce the overpopulation. But I prefer to do it the natural way, like with a Corona 2.0.

As always I am getting off-topic, it´s about religion and not about killing although historically those two go hand in hand.

It´s that narrow mindset that I am struggling with.
I respect everyone for believing as I believe some weird ass shit, but I also respect people making fun of my beliefs.

That is where it went wrong a long time ago when I created this GIF and got canceled.

action (1).gif

I complained about that in the past and I am over it, but it´s an excellent example of how people can not take their own beliefs with a pinch of salt.

It was also a reason that made me hold back on writing a series I really enjoy and I am kinda proud of:

Musical Sunday School Sessions

(My Musical Sunday School Sessions) - 𝕭𝖊𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖊 𝕴 𝕿𝖔𝖚𝖈𝖍 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖑
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - 𝐖𝐚𝐬 𝐉𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐎𝐧 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲?
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Secret Book of John (The Apostle) Part 2 (The Apple)

Soundtrack Of The Book of Revelations

My Book of Revelations Soundtrack - Part 1 - The Ladies of Revelation
My Book of Revelations Soundtrack - Part 2 - The Biblical Bad Guys
My Book of Revelations Soundtrack - Part 3 - The Bad Guy That Goes By Many Names

I almost did not write these wonderful posts because I did not want to step on anyone´s toes.

That made me wonder if religion should be banned. But why ban something that gives so many honest people the strength to do good and help others?

Because others abuse that belief and use it to roll out their own agenda? Because some people just have a hard time not taking themselves too seriously?

Then I thought, I read so much stupidity online and religion is all about forgiving, so those who do not like reading my stuff do not read and in your mind forgive me for my stupidity.

So those for whom the truth is blurred; let them eat cake, let all of us eat cake together.


Or even better, have an open-minded discussion with me, and try to convince me I am wrong.

As I am only human and I learn from my mistakes, and Imagine maybe just maybe you can learn from yours.

So there is a song to summarize all this:

What is Spread The Vibes

If you want to know more about the Spread The Vibe Challenge not A challenge please clikerdeeclick me

Thank goodness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!

[Source Pic](All pictures are by Meme, MyI & AI unless source is listed)


Do not get started on religion and the things that people believe in. I have come to realize a lot of people hid behind religion to commit the most atrocities. But who am I to judge anyone? After all, I am not holy. And the scripture already asked us not to judge so you wouldn't judge. I bypass religious conversation because I do not want to step on toes or offend people.


Thank you, that is a lovely comment.

who am I to judge anyone? After all, I am not holy.

I could not agree more, and I almost did what the same you do,

I bypass religious conversation because I do not want to step on toes or offend people.

But I like the topic too much, so if people get offended by ignorant little whywhy and his lousy sense of humor and good intentions so be it. I am here to learn, share, receive many points of view and become a better person. I feel like I would not fully succeed if I would avoid those topics, although I sometimes wish I did.


I actually don’t want religion to be banned but if we the way people take it should be limited
It is causing so many atrocities and we all know that


I wish that we all knew that, religion can be a source of love...but as there is a thin line between love and hate its tricky. If people could take themselves with a pound of salt and do the same with their neighbors the world would already be a less salty place


The Topic this week is religion, which I think is a bit controversial but should give great photo opportunities.

That was indeed my idea behind it. I didnt want to go into discussions.
Religion can be very helpful for many people, but has also caused many wars.

I think the most important is respecting people that think differently or do things different than you.


well I am glad you did, triggered my post and already some beautiful replies.... I like controversial and speaking up instead covering up


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