RE: BitcoinBaby Went MIA During The Bear Market


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Ehh who am I talking (Wie heb ik aan de lijn hallo Hallo) oh it´s Miss Mexico.

Well if three lines is a fuss wait till I really get all into a rant I can keep it up for a whole post but then I have to use a different community !LOLZ

And I had to reintroduce myself to kick my own butt to start writing about crypto this is how we do it 😂

You have been gone for even longer then me not writing about are you holding up? Hope it was good weird, I like good weird that weird?

Well anyway glad we are back...guess who´s back ...ehh who are we again


Yes, I know. it's been a long time since I wrote anything, let alone about crypto.
Funny, it used to be all I wrote and talked about a long time ago haha. And I actually had people take my financial advice even though I warned them it wasn't financial advice. Ah well, what can you do?
I'm actually brewing something crypto related up right now but had to write another update know, LIFE.

Anywho...Yeah, good weird. In a way. Some was good weird, and some just plain weird. Then some was really energy sucking weird. But I'm not complaining. Yet haha.
It's also been REALLY fucking hot and especially really fucking humid here so my focus is out of balance. Riding my bicycle the whole 20 minutes to work seems like such an undertaking at the moment. I used to love riding the bike from where I lived before into work 40 minutes but now it's a big chore. Me cursing all the way because dust is flying into my eyes and hardly any wind or breeze to cool my sweating back. Getting to work dripping isn't fun either!
So I've decided that choices have to be made. I'd much rather write a few posts a week and hang at the pool here, for the same amount of money as I'm making at the job, than risking my life in crazy Mexican traffic to teach people who don't really want to be there. And part of my daily journey literally goes ON the highway. YUP. I am riding my bike on the highway for about 200 meters, with crazy Mexican drivers who got their license for a couple of bucks and with no regard for human life whatsoever. Putting it all into perspective, it just seems like it's not worth the time or the risk...

So now, with the XRP/SEC news, and crypto lovies jumping back into green, my love for the space has been ignited once more, and I decided to go back to reading charts and putting small amounts of money into crazy little ventures. Yeehaaaa...I'm back baby!


I dont even bike on the roads around the city here in Granada and I am sure they had to do a little more than in Mexico to get their highway sounds like madness. But I will go do my groceries by bike in an hour or 3. Yup when its 38 degrees so I so know what you mean.

Lets see if this will be the kick-off to life-changing money, I at least doubled my money on XRP and took out my investment🤑


Haha, I used to have a couple of hundred XRPs but had to sell them all. I was left with around 20 of them so still a profit. Profit is profit so I see it as the start of bigger and better. Well, enjoy the bike ride in the heat. I'm going to sleep with the fan on my face haha.
