Power Up February 2024 - Why Can´t I stick to my plan?


I have A Plan, or should I say had a plan?
What good is having a plan if you don't stick to it?
I see other people do it, so why do I keep failing?

The Plan

My plan is simple, increase HP with 250 monthly and two comments a day. That´s not so much to ask, right?

In 2023 I did a 3X on my HP taking me to 3000HP. This means I added 2000HP, and in 2024 I want to add another 3000HP.

That 33% increase from what I did in 2023 looked doable last year when I came up with it, but in reality, I might have overestimated things just a bit.

Last month I needed a113HP powerup to make it:

And this month looked even worse when we were at 2/3 I did not dare to look that last week- I did not post less, but I just seem to get less from the upvotes or something.... as if there are more posts receiving votes out of the same bucket.

What´s a Baby to do?
Nothing really, been here long enough to know that upvotes are like the tides they come and go. It´s lovely to see them come, frustrating to see them go but in the end, I am in it for the tech ehh writing.

Because it´s the writing that keeps me going, no matter what the votes say. What also keeps me going is the comments and I got one of the best comments ever last week from @iskawrites .


Now that is what keeps me going, that and increasing my HP so My Vote Matters.

Another Challenge

Not sticking to the plan seems to be a recurring issue when it comes to engagement. Every month on PUD day or just before I kick myself again for not interacting enough.

My goal is so simple, 2 comments daily. I do the upvotes, but so many days I just don´t comment. While I just showed how important a cool comment can be.
But try, and try again. Let´s see if I can reach my goal of two daily comments this month.

How To Achieve That Crazy Goal

I started working on a new story, well the follow-up on my neverending story. Because a never-ending story simply can´t end, right? But it´s still in draft mode as we have a couple more chapters to go before the temporary ending.

I just delivered my 50th Midnight Gems Session, well new style that is. I think I am closing in one #200 overall.
Midnight Gems -Your Free Mix-Tape Show - E 50 "Gems like Gems were meant to sound"

Love creating those so no change there, but with Ecency no longer having the $1 boost option I need to change my musical riddle format a bit to keep the Tune Tune Train going.

Solve The Riddle & Win a $1 Up-vote [#TTT Week 9] - Some Songs From Way back

I think I will change it to doing 2-day promotion boost:


Hope that people still like that enough to join in the fun and riddle my riddles.

And of course My Sunday School Sessions, the last one could have used some more engagement as I thought it was a little miracle but hey, not all gems are to be found.

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Funny Looking Angels

Those stories have been such a discovery of secret writings, ancient knowledge, and music that I hope to do a few more before the divine inspiration runs out.

But when it runs out I gladly pick up my Spread The Vibes posts on a lazy Sunday morning.

I should be able to keep at least 6 posts a week going for another year, unless life happens ofc.


Let´s do the thing I came for and power up!!!

I got the 250HP increase last month with a 113 HP power-up, this month I will need to tank a bit more out of the tank I guess.


Ouch, not a good month indeed, but 138HP Power-up done and at least I am still on track for 6000HP, just 10 more months to go.


Now I need to keep commenting and upvoting because really slowly my vote starts to matter!


[Source Pic](MyI & AI)
All screenshots are mine btw


Commenting is very important, yet fewer people are doing it these days, making it even harder to get a good engagement. Keep going and you'll get there.


Thanks, it´s just so stupid I know it is but I don´t do it as much as I should. At least I am aware and working on it already did one today and it´s still early ;)


Lol, everyone is probably aware of it, and still not doing it as much as they should. I'm guilty of that too. Once I had a goal of 10 comments every day, guess how many times I made it ... 🤣


Your posts always bring a smile to my face. Thank you for this post because you reminded me of HPUD. I have to ransack my wallet and find 10 liquid Hive and power up. The best part of joining these events is the fine badges that @hivebuzz awards.

It seems like your plans are as ambitious as ever, but hey, aiming high is the way to go, right? Don't worry too much about those upvotes; they're as unpredictable as the weather. As long as you have something to keep you going like the comments you receive on your posts then it's okay.

I hope you will find time to do more comments, and more stories, and gain more HP. Cheers

By the way, thank you for the shout-out, the support I received on that comment is still stuck in my memory. It encouraged me to keep commenting on people's posts. I did not know it meant that much to people but seeing your reaction, I realized I was doing the right thing and on the right track. Thank you so much for everything 💖💖


It does seriously help and your comment is a reminder for me to keep pushing myself to comment more. Thanks and hope you have a wonderful weekend


I am happy to hear that ☺️☺️

Have a great weekend too. And of course, we have a date on Sunday 🤭... I am looking forward to what you will be teaching us through your music inspired post this Sunday 💃


Good job with the power up, I do the same thing, having a plan, power up every day and a giant power up on hpud. Not sure how long I can keep up this pace. The writing is what I like too but I am not very good at it.


I think my writing is okay, But what do I know. I know I enjoy it and that's what keeps me going.

Atm one post a day and no shit post but as you said I don't know how long I can keep that up. The plan is one more year but we re only in February 😆


Comments can be hard for sure! I am lucky that I sit at a computer all day. That makes it easy for me to throw out a dozen here or there. When I am at home, they are far fewer and I expect that's the reality for a lot of people all the time.


Indeed by the time I have time to read.... its kinda late but I am (too slowly) getting there


Thanks for the reminder I totally missed the fact that it's HPUD or actually that March started :)

engagement is key but honestly lately it's been hard for a lot of us to get some decent rewards.. I think some of the tipping tokens may have to do with it too so I decided to stick to the !PIMP and !LADY one for a bit and see if something changes.

Nice power up!


Horrible Power Up too much out of the tank too soon in this year I really need to make it up this month to stick to the plan and you were right about the Ecency boost. Its gone so there I lose another $4 each week !PIMP
