Midnight Gems -Your Free Mix-Tape Show - E 42 "Finally found the Spirit"


For those of you who are new to my MidNight Gems series. Welcome to this nightly trip on which we will uncover & recover some amazing songs & covers.

Last week I had a hard time finding that Christmas spirit, and even while I did not look for it...I think the spirit of this Christmas passed found me tonight.

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Another year draws to its close and I just did not dream of a white Christmas, I actually did not even play a single XMas song. Not for you Dear Reader, not for myself.

Hence as Christmas passed I will now make up for that as I love to do things the other way around...yes feel free to call me a contrarian.

Smith & Burrows - When The Thames Froze

Well at least I played a Christmas song now and as it happens it´s my favorite one.

This next song could easily have been fitted on the XMas menu although if you give it a good listen it's not as Christmassy as it sounds.

I just donñt get that it took me 10 years to find this guy, as he sounds like a little miracle. So he might be featured again next year or so.

Ed Harcour - Rain on the Pretty Ones

Okay getting in the mood here, maybe a bit too much because I am starting to see things. Like is he wearing a Christmas ornament on her head? She does, doesn´t she? Well, at least the song is simply lovely.


Could not let this year go without a little bit of these two very special ladies, and they sing about my Christmas wish to the world that never be fulfilled.

Two Irish Lassies that as of this year are both no longer with us and were so prominently there when I grew up.

Dolores O'Riordan & Sinead O'Connor - 'No Need To Argue'

Let´s do two other very special ladies but now two that are still with us and only got better over the years. Evanescence was nice, but I prefer Amy´s later work, especially her collabs.

Amy Lee feat. Lindsey Stirling - Wasted On You

And what when she does a collab I was not aware of with a guy that I found weirdly interesting when he formed a band with another lady that is no more?

I did not know that Dave and Amy did it together, but boy did they do it.... just listen.

Amy Lee & Dave Stewart - Love hurts

Didn´t Dave Do It With Some Cowboys in the long-forgotten past...
Well, I think he did and that memorie got me in a cowgirl mood. Well that and the fact I was still thinking about Lindsey.

Lindsay Ell - Shut Me Up

Is there such a thing as Cowboy Shoe gaze? If not there is now this was such a weird little Gem, but I loved digging it up from the ashes of a burned civilization.

Wye Oak - Civilian

So we went from Christmas, via visiting two dad Irish Dames, to cowboy shoe gaze. I guess that sounds like the usual suspects for a good Midnight Gems Session but we might want to add a bit of an organ feel towards the end of our little journey together.

Sven Hammond - The Usual Suspects


A little powerful encore as it´s not fair to Lindsey that Amy got in twice. *Doesn´t that violin give you a little Nutcracker vibe?

Youtube Playlist.

All these gems were added to this week´s YouTube playlist.

All Midnight Gems Playlist can be found here

Spotify Playlist:

The Spotify playlist might not capture the whole show but is meant to represent it as well as Spotify makes it possible:


I dare you to put on this set after the family dinner!

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Riddle Me This

Guess What, my riddle has not been solved.

So here is another hint, they all sound like #TTT

What the fluff is Midnight Gems?

Somewhere lost in time, trying to escape out of the rabbit hole back into the rat race there is a vacuum..... that´s the place where midnight gems are found.

My Midnight Gems will try to uncover & recover those beautiful songs that nobody ever noticed or might have been forgotten.

Who the fluff am I?

Being a former DJ playing about everything and having an uncompleted study of radio journalism. I have been wanting to do this for years...Thought about it many nights and guess now it´s time to finally take it to the streets.

Hope you enjoyed this well-known wave of fantastic music and that you still feel like joining me on the next Midnight Gems Session coming soon.

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@beeber @mypathtofire

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