CTPX And Clicktrackprofit

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It is after three and time for me to take a break. It is time also for me to discuss my progress on CTPX. Having just finished some lessons on clickttrackprofit.com, I decided to check my stats on CTPX and it seems I have been knocked out of the top Xplorers. I guess I need to get back in there after finishing this and put myself back on the list.

I guess that is what I get for throwing out such a challenge on the CTPX discord server, #Steps.Today. What challenge is that you ask?
image.pngdiscord screenshot of a ctpx screenshot
Now I need to up my daily views from fourty to see how many more I need, to get back into top Xplorers.

I also mentioned clicktrackprofit. I am not seeing a lot of posts anymore about this but I figured since I did sign up to learn about affiliate marketing, and marketing in general, I would jump back into it and see if it could maybe help me learn more about how to use CTPX.

I am kind of stopped on my "click" module lessons in the training section, as the hive lesson does not have a complete button to unlock the next lesson. So I had to move down where I saw an open lesson in the CPTTalk section.

I'm still not sure about a lot of the concepts but there is A LOT of interesting information. I would say The very first thing you want to take care of on both clicktrackprofit and CTPX is to set up your account profile.

For CTPX, along with the basic account information you will also need to add your hive name and paypal account email. They also request your home address as they sometimes mail you physical products known to most as swag.

On clicktrackprofit the first set of videos goes over all the links and pretty much walks you through what you need to do to set up your account. There are still some things I have not completed yet and that will be done in the next day or two. Clicktrackprofit also has a score board similar to the one above from CTPX. It looks like this...
image.pngclicktrackprofit screenshot

Of course the page is slightly longer with more information but one can only screenshot so much of what is actually available on a full page.

I know this probably does not sound like much help but then again reading my experience does little to explain how this works if the reader does not themselves participate. I will include referral links in my next post for those who would like to have them. But I must end this as my goal is to have something written daily and posted by four o'clock my time.
