RE: Expensive and Bad Foodie and Progress on Terracorehub

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I love egg rolls.

If done well, they are a delight. If done poorly; they are soggy disgusting things.

I plan to figure out how to cook them this summer. The recipes I've looked out look intimidating.

Most of the recipes I examined used cooked chicken. The frying is to brown the roll.

With this approach one might end up with cold chicken inside a hot crust. The chicken needs to be fully cooked before putting in the roll.

The recipes I examined were labor intensive. So, I guess they have to charge a lot.

Expensive and Bad FOODIE

As for FOODIE, It looks like one could buy 10,000 FOODIE for under a dollar.

Unfortunately #FOODIE has a long history of going down.

I bought a truck load of FOODIE and it went down sooothly ...

It went down and down and down and down.

Here is some WINEX to pair with your egg rolls. It seems to go down smoothly as well.

