Motion VS Action


I read an article some time ago about how intelligent you need to be to be successful. The author made it clear that you don’t need to be so intelligent to be successful. He made some awesome points I can’t remember now but everything is about knowing what to do and applying the right energy to the right thing. A lot of billionaires built their dreams and empire on intelligent people's shoulders. They are not that intelligent themselves.

There is a mistake people make often without realizing it and it is Being in motion and taking action. They both look the same but they are different.

Being in motion is when you strategize, plan and improve and those are awesome. We all need to learn to be better and planning is essential but Action is making an attempt for a result.

Motion = I want to write 30 articles in a month.

Action = Published 30 articles

Motion = Go to the gym and plan out my workout routine.

Action = Lifting dumbbells and running on the treadmills.

Motion is useful but it will never get you a result. No matter how you plan to make a call to contact the potential investors for your company, nothing will happen until you actually make the call.

Sometimes we find ourselves in motion because we feel we need to plan and learn about what we are doing but I heard that everything that started perfectly starts late. According to Voltaire, Perfect is the enemy of good. It takes extra wisdom to understand that. We want to avoid criticism and we just want everything we are doing to be perfect. Last week, I got a call from someone I value so much advising me on something I have been working on to make it perfect to a certain level before going public, I did not take the advice. None of these big guys today started perfectly. If I compare my current state with the state of Mark Zuck before I start something then I may never start. This is one of the major reasons a lot of people stay in motion for a very long time.

Activities are not achievements. You may be busy for 5 years and never achieve a thing. The result is more important than the work.

Are you in motion or taking action?

I am @tykee, I do dev things and write

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Uff, great article! A slap to the mind to move from movement to action.
Seeing it this way, I've been lately just in motion: planning, imagining, but I'm missing the other step.
Thanks for this post


Thanks for the comment. I am glad you found it useful.
