Coding for Fun, Work and Money.



Coding seems to be one profession people are avoiding. I talk to young lads to start coding, but they lose interest so fast, especially when their code failed to compile with too many bugs to fix.

Sometimes it is difficult for people to succeed at something because of their approach to it. For some people, progress is easy. Success is a wide road with so many lanes, which is hard to get to the right lane sometimes. There are many guides to success online, but sometimes even when you follow them you still will not get the result because success is a combination of several factors.

One of the biggest factors to succeed is doing something you love genuinely. Things that you enjoy doing with or without money. When money is the defining factor, then you are there for a while.

Make Coding a Hobby

There is a survey on Stack Overflow in 2020 that shows that 78% of successful programmers are people that take programming as a hobby. Coding is more than just a job to make money. It must be part of your life to be successful in it. This isn’t anything new, but it is a fact that we get better at anything we do more often. However, you may have the question that "I am a developer, I code and I code just for money". This is where natural intelligence and personal interest come in. However, they are not crucial factors.

Making Coding Your Hobby

I have some tips.


All profession needs mentorship, but you need it more in coding if you want to grow fast, especially if coding is not your hobby. You need someone that will be there to pull you up and drag you to learn.


Most developers learn from home through online courses or classes and it can get really boring at some point. This is why you need to connect with other programmers as much as you can. Meet new programmers online and physically and spend time with them. We are creatures of feelings and social.


Participating in a coding challenge is a great way to make coding more fun and adaptive. Competing with people will help you to do better on time as you build your relationship with programming. Thus, search for hackathons and try out your skill every time.

Gamified Learning

If you love video games, then you can look for coding games and play them. There are many on the internet. You are playing a game, having fun and still learning at the same time.

Personal projects

Building something progressively is another way to get coding as a hobby. Think of an idea for a start-up and start building it. You will build, stuck, but the desire to get everything live will drive you to finish the project.

Programming is an interesting field. You feel like a god when you write code, compile and see it working. And it is fun. However, the learning process could be tough, but having it as part of your life makes it easy.

I am @tykee, I do dev things and write.

Posted with STEMGeeks
