Another part of blockchain and crypto changing the world for better.


Blockchain technology and its layers are like bulb onions, and the full potential is yet to be reached. Blockchain technology can take over and improve every industry. The likes of Decentralized Autonomous Organization is a brilliant solution that will set the companies of the future free from bad leadership. Also, one of the aspects of the solution is the charitable projects. Hive has been a great solution for many countries and communities. A lot of posts regarding the War in Ukraine have been supported immensely and so many projects in Ghana and other parts of Africa that are related to charity. I think this is one of the important things the world needs. I worked on a project Lite paper some time ago and I used Hive as a case study as the project that provides proper solutions to real people that need help.

Blockchain as a solution for Charity.

I have worked and still working for Charity organizations and the concern of many donors or supporters is if the fund raised by the charity organization will be used for the right thing. The people running the org might just pocket 80% of the money and do little for the people that truly need it. This is one problem that blockchain technology can fix through transparency, immutability, accessibility, reliability and freedom. These are the factors that will allow everyone to see and know how the money raised is being used, and that will reduce or eradicate abuse of power and control.

Through this, donations will be faster, more transparent, and available all around the world and allow people without a bank to have access to support.

Support for Emergency

Hive has been a support for people in this kind of time. Imagine living in a country where you can be hit by a bomb or bullet at any minute and at the same time you need to get money and food to stay alive. In the war, the Ukrainian Government had to beg the international community for donations in crypto as it is the only fastest way to have access to funds.

As I always say, blockchain is an all-good technology, but there is an obstacle, which is a lack of knowledge. I see a lot of people struggling with the technicalities of blockchain and addresses. I have students that are still calling me for basic things to date. However, this can be fixed by educating the people and many companies are already doing this. However, we all need to contribute to this. Sharing blockchain education is as important as the technology itself.

We have all "good-good" technology and it will change our world for the better.

I am@tykee, I do dev things and write

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
