Not Again

Kyle broad

I had the opportunity to attend church service yesterday, if you went through my yesterday vlog, I mentioned that there, and though the service was a good one, but came back home to rest after the long day because I had to introduce hive to some people in church and I had to teach them the basic of how to post writings on hive, which was the reason I left church very late (past 4 pm) instead of the 12 pm the service finished.
I felt fulfilled teaching them because it had been a while since they asked me to put them through, and so I finally did.

My kids have been at my mom's place for over a month now because they have been on summer break and I felt it was a good time for them and their grandparents to bond which they did, but then it was coupled with treating chicken pox.
I had come back from school and received a call from my mom that my son had chicken pox, I made a post about it when it happened.


It was later discovered that it was in the church he had contacted, a particular child had it and the mom didn't restrict him from coming to church, so yesterday when I was in church I heard that over 50% of people in the church both adult and children had contacted the diseases from this particular boy, the worst thing is Now my daughter of two year old also has it.
I had gone to pick them up and their stuff from my parent's place as school was resuming today Monday, I had prepared all they needed for school.

So last night, as we were preparing for bed, I had taken off my daughter's clothes to make her have a bath before bed, I didn't even take notice, until she pointed the pox on her stomach, immediately I just felt so bad again because, I will have spent another money on getting drugs for her again, even though I had gotten her some to prevent it before and it didn't stop her from contacting it.


Last night I just felt like giving the woman who brought a child who had the pox to church a call. I felt like letting her know my mind because I don't understand if she understood what she had done to not only my kids but others who had contracted the pox. My husband stopped me from calling her and said we would get the necessary medication for her in the morning.
So this morning only my son went to school, since he is better now, just that the leftover scars are left on his body,
This morning while I prepared him for school he asked if his headmistress would send him back home because of the scars on his body and I said no because it was just scars and he wasn't going to infect any other person.

Now I am scared for my sister's children since they were all at their grandparent's place together, I just hope no one else contacts it and my son's skin can be spotless after the scars left.

My daughter is currently at home, I had to engage her with some things because she cried while I took her brother to school. She doesn't like being without her brother.
This is what I have to go through this month as a mom, the expenses are just going up coupled with the new school bill.

I just pray for a permanent solution to avoiding chicken pox, so I don't have to be spending money on medication every time as there are already lots of bills to take care of, I am just weak thinking of everything.

Thanks for stopping here


I hope your child will be fine soon.. in case of chickenpox its easily transferable and affected person should be isolated from others. Otherwise it can spread widely. I just hope others who was in contact will be fine.


I know ot is transmittable, I just blame the woman for not keeping her child at home.
This caused a lot of harm to 50% of people in the church.


I agree with you. One made mistakes and others suffer for it.


This is what happens when one don't think of others


The world has changed so much !

Chicken pox can be more severe in adults than in children, but once you've had it, it's incredibly rare to get it a second time. So when I was young if someone at school caught it, we'd have "pox parties" where all the children who hadn't had it already would come along to try to catch it. We'd make sure we had plenty of Calamine lotion and try not to scratch the itches. It would be horrible for a week, but after that we knew we'd be safe from it for life.

Of course, then they discovered shingles, but there are vaccines for that....

Hopefully your son & daughter will feel better soon 🙂


Yeah I heard this too that it is only once a person can contact it in his life time, I remember having it as a child and having to use calamine lotion often.
My son is better now, no fever just the scars left to cover.
My daughter own just started and she's home and not in school. I hope it doesn't spread so much as it would be too painful for her


Chicken pox, when coupled with malaria is as good as being in hell 💔.
Thank God your children got better


Only my son is better, his sisters just started. I only pray it doesn't overwhelm her


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