Quote of the Day - Roy T. Bennet on shifting your energy to what you can create


Transcript for accessibility purposes:
“Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.”

Roy T. Bennett

I didn't know Roy T. Bennet before stumbling on this quote and looking him up I found out he was an American attorney and politician. It's always risky to pick quotes from someone involved in politics because there is always the chance that people will completely ignore the meaning of the words and focus only on the person behind them or, their actions as a politician.

If you have been following this series for some time now you probably know it's all about the words so I hope you can momentarily forget any opinion you may have about Bennet.

Today's quote deals with something I hold very sacred, which is spending energy on things I can control or, more specifically, things I can create.

I think my activity on Hive is a good example of that. My main goals on this blockchain are to build my reputation in the community and have a steady source of income in the next few years.

There are many factors which I can't really control such as the upvotes I will get and the price of the token, for example, but there are many others that are dependent on myself only and that's why I keep coming back every day.

What about you? Are you using your energy to create or to complain?

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Love this quote. Very timely, as I grow older I realize that in life we need to respond more and react less. Focus on the things we can control and accept the things we can't, after I start practicing this, it definitely brought a whole lot of difference in the way I view things and life in general.


I'm glad you found it useful!
Shifting to that kind of behaviour also had a major impact in my life
