The Importance of a Balanced Breakfast for Daily Energy and Productivity.


Sometimes, I do believe that eating in the morning gives me energy to carry out my daily activities without stress. By this thinking, I do ensure I eat almost every morning before going out for any activity. Well, this has always been helpful to me and has made me successful in some of my activities.

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But I guess it all went wrong today. What happened? Initially, as my routine goes, I was supposed to have a class by 9 a.m., but I couldn't go because I was very weak and tired, and I was thinking it was a general class that consists of different departments.

Unlike my second and third lectures for today, I was resting till I figured it was almost 10 a.m. because my class was slated for 11 a.m. till 1 p.m and 2 p.m till 4 p.m and then 4 p.m till 6 p.m. But we had our last class canceled, so I was left with just two classes. But the second class that was supposed to be 2–4 p.m was later changed to 3–5 p.m, so the time was longer.


When it was almost 10 a.m., I remembered I was supposed to get something to eat. I rushed into the kitchen to get something to eat, and I remembered I was supposed to be in school before 11 a.m, and it's almost too late. So I have less than an hour at home. Luckily for me, I was able to finish before 11 a.m and rush to school.

On getting to my lecture hall, it was not opened, so we had to wait till it was opened. After a few minutes, the lecturer came in and taught us. Though it was an interesting class, after he was done, we headed out to get some rest. While I was trying to rest my brain, I got a call from one of my lecturers to see him immediately.

On getting to his office, he gave me some files to sort for him. I looked at him for a few seconds and was perplexed. I don't even know what I could say to make the cup run over me. Furthermore, I sat with it because I was done after a few hours. I left his office, thinking I was free already.


While I was going, I met another lecturer, who happened to be one of my lecturers going with a load, and I offered to assist her to her office because it was very close. When I got to her office, she sent me on an errand to get her food to eat. I couldn't say no because she is a senior lecturer, and more so, I was too tired to go through that stress again. But what could I have done at that moment?

I went, but I didn't make it obvious that I was unhappy. Getting back, I went straight to my class without resting. While the lecture was on, I was tired and slept through it all. I was very unhappy because all the breaks I had were for running errands, which I couldn't deny. While the class was on, I was very annoyed and was praying for the lecturer to go out on time.


I never knew my prayers would be answered. Not long while I was saying this within my mind, the light we were using went off, and so the lecturer said he assumed we were all tired because there was no light again and heat had taken over.

He then said he could not teach us anymore because of the heat and called it a day. Immediately, I packed my note and my bags, made my way through the door, and headed home. It was a big surprise to my friends that I didn't wait for them while they were telling me to wait.

I got home, looked for something to eat, and then got some rest so that my brain wouldn't break down. Rest is crucial to the body, and health is wealth.


It is very important to always eat breakfast, however I only eat breakfast on weekdays, when I am at home I just drink coffee and wait until lunch time.

On days when I'm working I can't stop eating, I lose all my energy if I don't do it.

Rest is indispensable, as soon as we feel agitated we should stop and rest. Good thing you left earlier than you thought and got home earlier.


Yeah thanks man.. I could not hold it any longer.. You are also part of those that work without eating lol
