The Financial Struggles and Instability of College Students.

The issue we face with getting money and being able to foot our bills is getting very stressful at this time of the year. Last year there was an increase into the tuition fee in my school, and most of the students managed to bend their way around it by ensuring they were able to pay and meet up the payment, even despite some that paid late. Still on this, we had some that were still unable to meet up with this, and this caused some students to disrupt their academics and some other things; even some were disturbed during their examination period.

Still in the process of increasing tuition fees, many hostels and apartments increased their accommodation fees, creating much pressure on the students. When I heard about this, I was very bothered because there was no way I was going to get this much money in such a short time. I also tried as much as possible to make sure I paid my bills, but unfortunately for me, I was unable to meet up with the payment last year, and I was left with some amount that I am carrying over to another year, which we are now.

Some weeks ago, our hosting agent came by and told us that there would be an increase in payment again for the hostel fee. Many of the occupants fled up and threw out their minds and thoughts towards this and made complaints about the recent increase, which the university has currently added, but our caretaker did not give a damn about this. Instead, he was concerned about us paying him and said he was getting an order from the landlord.


This evening, he came into the hostel threatening everyone that he is throwing out everyone in the apartment out if we don't make payment before this coming Saturday, and he is coming with the police officers to throw out the luggage of every student in the apartment. Hearing this tonight, I was never bothered, and immediately I told him that he should allow everyone to spend some time before taking decisions, considering the current time we are with him.

The issue of money now is getting unbearable, especially for us students who have no one to run to. This is making most of us get tired of even saying we want to go to school more because it is very hard to cope with studying and paying bills. Now we have to make the payment of our hostel rent before Saturday, and now the price of the apartment has been increased to 150,000 naira from 90,000 naira which it was before, and we have to make this payment as soon as possible. I hope we get these funds to settle these bills before time elapses.


We are on a survival of the fittest time of our lives like never before, the hardship gets worse by the day.
We only hope things get better or that we are able to make more money to cushion the effects of the hardship we face


Yeah you are very correct. We just have to manage ourselves now till everything gets better
