I can't live without the use of internet



Hi guys, as regarding the ongoing contest in the ecency community, I will be sharing my view about the topic which has been provided which is titled "I can't live without". Today, what I will be saying will be tied around what I can't live without and I believe this can be diverse for us because we have different approach to life.

For me, the use of internet is very essential this current time and I cannot do without it. Actually, the word I cannot do without it means I am found of it an I use it alot.. Internet is fast growing and also making us grow in our daily activities.. We make use of it get do whatever we find stressing to do and it helps us out in little time.

Why I am so found of the internet is because, I make research alot, also, I use it to get updated information about things going on around me and also in the world because we all have to be up to date to be in the trending part of this world. The world is fast revolving also do we all have to be part of the revolution so we won't be left behind..

The internet has it own use which is of great benefit and also does it has it own flaws too. So it depends on what we make use of it for and how we can manage it.. The use of internet is part of me and I am happy I am able to achieve some things from it and gain knowledge..
