Holozing: A Journey of Continuous Improvement and Growth..

Whatever we do, there is always a constant, which I believe is what keeps us moving and free from intruders. This is a change or improvement. From the start of discovering holozing, I have always known that it has a better future and is a better investment one could make to be able to earn.

Just like I do daily, I go to the Zing site to check for new updates and also to claim some of my rewards so that I will be able to stake more of my rewards to get a better reward. I haven't been able to claim this for some time because of the break in the electrical supply in my vicinity, so I had to pause until I had a power supply on my device.

Later this morning, I was able to charge my devices a bit, and I decided to come online to see what has been going on. Then I found out that the new Zing website has a new, improved UI design interface, which I love so much, and I decided to see what the new update was about.

Before then, I tried claiming my rewards first and then decided to go back to what I was intending to do. When I claimed my token, I got a new approved layout that showed me that I had claimed my Zing token for today, and this is very different from the way it has been before. I was so curious and wanted to explore more.

And then I went to the other button that was created, which is the contributions. At first, I was never expecting to see myself amongst the categories of people that have contributed, but I just thought that even if I were there, I would rather be on the far side of the list, and when I checked, I was on the 447th page of the list.

I was so surprised to have even gotten to that place when I knew how much people would have contributed. But above all, it feels so good to see that I have contributed the little I have to the support of this project and also to be able to earn in the process. I know to go up on the list, I will have to contribute more, which is also part of my plans, and these things also work in handy together.

This is a good improvement on the path of the holozing team, and I believe more improvements are still coming. By doing this, we are getting better and stronger day by day. Have you contributed your path to the support of holozing? If you haven't, there is still a chance for you to make this count and be part of the project.
