Will Leo Change Your Life?


There is a lot happening right now. It is a time of transition for Leo
, one that opens up the avenue for excitement and optimism.
When dealing with something new, it is not always easy to predict what is going to happen. Failure is often a concern. This is true no matter what the endeavor. It gets compounded when dealing with an entirely new concept like cryptocurrency.

Nevertheless, through it all Leo has prevailed. We are still standing after 4 years. At the same time, things appear to be going strong.

Sadly, most miss what is taking place. This is natural since few of us are actually schooled in how developing a business actually works. For the most part, any of the entities we worked for were established before we showed up. There was a track record and a history.

That is not the case here. Leo is still only 4 years old. This is a lot different from something that is near 40 years.

Because of this, my view is we are dealing with opportunity. Hence, the topic of this article.


Will Leo Change Your Life?

This is a serious question.

When dealing with a start up, especially one that you have stake in, there is an enormous opportunity. People who get involved in these things, especially in the technology world, often do so while passing up a larger salary at a more established firm. The tradeoff is we often see some type of equity position given, one that will appreciate in value if the company is successful.

Here is where we can see a correlation with Leo.

Elon Musk has come out with the concept of the "Everything App". This is a model that Leo loosely adopted. While we are starting from a much different point, the desired path is the same.

Through development, building of revenue streams, and network effects, we hope to have Leo worth a great deal more years down the road. Is this something that is possible?

To get there is going to require a great deal of effort on the part of many people. We know none of this is going to be done by one person.

That said, like the stock options that one gets for joining a start up technology company, Leo can offer huge incentive.


Leo is an opportunity since anyone can join in the stake-based design that is here. We know Leo Power is going to enter into the framework in a number of different ways. Thus, having more of it in our wallets is a good thing.

People can get involved with Leo and earn the token. Once again, the distribution model is invaluable. Those who spend their time active can get rewarded. Many are finding that, due to threads, micro-earning is becoming a larger part of the process.

The idea is that anyone who joins Leo has the opportunity to provide themselves with options for the future. What I mean by this is each token could have more value over time. Betting on the long term success of the project, which is enhanced by our activities, means that we will be able to profit.

We have a track record with this in the technology world.

Hence, do you see Leo changing your life?

My View

Having a large amount of $LEO, I can promise you that I am very optimistic about the future of Leo. To me, this has life changing money potential. We are seeing a lot of things being rolled out that will change things.

Over the last couple months I wrote a number of articles that I believe cover some areas where we need to see Leo delve into. The major one is video since that is where the valuation comes from.

That said, we hear work is being done to bring shorts to Leo. This will be a major step forward. Another avenue is with embedding YouTube videos. We have the ability to make Leo a front end for much of this content.

All of this will enhance the value of Leo. Down the road, maybe in another 2-3 years, we will be amazed at what took place.

What do you say? Will Leo change your life?

What is Hive

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


I liked this article because it builds confidence based on realities and projects that want to achieve. I think yes, that Leo can change lives, I when I started to get involved with the threads, and in the last campaign I had no Leo, and I ended up having 120, of course I bought some 😉 There I have them in staking, I know they are not many but I plan to be more. I trust Leo in a good asset to invest.



Keep threading and elevate your activity. That is where the Leo will keep flowing. It is nice that people can earn $LEO.


LeoFinance is one of best micro-blogging platform. Indeed it has great potential to revolutionized users life. I also prefer to stake Leo$ as much possible. This gonna be biggest crypto of the future.


We are trying to build some things that can really make the difference. It will be a while before we see some of the results but that is always the case with building.

One foot in front of the other.


I think Leo can have big future but creators shouldn't stop and continue to develop platform also they should remember about mobile app, video supporting and even maybe multi language frontend. I understand they try have their own roadmap but as an usual user I think they should remember that Leo should be user friendly and convenient place for all users.


It should although mobile is not going to really receive the attention.

People need to realize mobile is controlled by Apple and Google. Progressive Web Apps are the future.

Use keychain and the browser in there to engage with Leo.


Hmm 🙄 I think I missed this point of view about control from apple, google, huawei or other platform. Thanks that mentioned this moment!


Good for thought right here. A pick into the future a glimmer of hope. However, it is gratifying one’s imagination instantly may will miss the train and reminisce on wha would have been when time is long gone. Leo is here to stay and has the early start advantage, which is boosted by a community that heavily believes in it.


These things work in phases. Just because one doesnt get in super early doesnt mean it is going to be a bad opportunity for those getting in later.

We are going to see stages of growth. We are the true early adopters though.


Amazing write-up sir, this is awesome and it is an eye-opening article.

Going by the question "Will Leo change your life"

Leo has changed lots of people's lives and will continue to do so for those who believe in investing largely in $Leo and are optimistic that the return from investing in it will be positive and huge.

Records have shown the growth and profits made over the years, which is convincing evidence that Leo won't stop growing because Leo still has lots of potential that most of us are yet to tap into.

In conclusion, Leo will change my life, and would love to encourage others to make Leo part of their lives and will in turn make $Leo keep growing and stronger in value.


Can Leo change my life ?, Well that question fully depends on my efforts and contribution towards it. Just like any other digital currency, it requires hard work and accumulative process to hit a top level. in other words, what i have to offer matters most.

So I might just say that all my efforts might possibly determine if Leo could change my life.


Well that question fully depends on my efforts and contribution towards it.

I would say you understand where most do not. You are correct. It is up to us to engage as much as we can. That is where the difference will be seen.


Just wanna point out that your first link looks a bit weird for me when looking in PeakD.



Leo Finance is still changing my life. I can deliver my blog posts to a crypto-savvy community thanks to Leo Finance. I have learned a lot about crypto from the content on Leo Finance. Making money by writing is difficult all over the world. Thanks to Leo Finance, I can earn a modest amount.

Things will be better in the future because we are in a bear market. Regulators have taken a negative stance towards crypto, and long-term interest rates are around 5%. High rates are the by-product of Covid 19. Could there be a worse climate than this? There are possibilities such as alien invasion, a giant meteor falling to earth, and a third world war. :)


We are seeing more features added. As they are, we will have more ways to keep people returning. This is a process we have to keep pushing.
