What Can Be The Impact of LeoAI?

There is no doubt that AI is capturing the imagination of most everyone who is not living under a rock. Anyone online is bound to come across a post, tweet, or video regarding AI. This is starting to penetrate the mainstream consciousness and likely for good reason.

We are witnessing an arms race. This is a battle, so far, of the big boys. We have Facebook, Twitter (X), Google, OpenAi, and now Amazon. These are the ones involved in the LLM world. This has led to other nuanced developments, mostly from the open source community

Of course, text is only one piece of the puzzle. OpenAI stunned a lot of people with its most recent release of videos that are said to be created from text prompts. This is stimulating the imagination of many.

Which brings up the point of this article.


Can LeoAI Generate A Massive Impact On Leo?

Before getting to that question, we first have to consider whether we are dealing with hype.

Within the technology world, it is easy to fall for the excitement surrounding a particular breakthrough. In my time watching technological trends, I have seen 3 hype cycles regarding virtual reality. We had one just a couple years ago with the metaverse craze.

This appears to be different.

One reason is simply the number of companies involved and the breakthroughs coming from so many different entities. It is not one company dominating the headlines. The same day that Google announced its latest update to Gemini, OpenAi pushed the news about Sora.

Not to be left behind, Elon Musk stated that the next version of Grok is due in a couple weeks. We will see what that brings to the table. Of course, Amazon went after Claude and, thus far, has been rather quiet. Do not expect that to last forever.

Which brings us to LEO.

If AI is going to play a growing role going forward, does that mean it could hold huge potential for Leo? In my view, this could be the case.

When it comes to services, we are seeing these LLMS and image generators being "sold" into the marketplace. They are subscription based models, with a monthly fee charged. Naturally, there is a free version but, if one wants the more advanced and powerful stuff, it requires some payment.

How would that look with Leo and how might it be of benefit?

Built In AI

We already were told that LeoAI is in the works. It was stated that 1 million Threads were used to train it. There was also mention that Leo articles were being fed in also.

Here is where we are entering speculation.

I am not sure what they are using. Perhaps it is something like Llama2 which is an open source model put out by Meta. Since we were not told it is guesswork.

Nevertheless, from what I can garner, it appears that the models become "specialized" based upon the utility. For example, the model will have the general knowledge that comes from the larger training. By feeding it more information related to Leo or Hive, particulars about this platform can be pulled.

That is one aspect to this.

Another is shown in the fact that Elon acknowledge that X is in talks with Midjourney. It would appear this could help to incorporate image generation into X.

Here is where a parallel, albeit on a smaller scale, could make an impact.

Would it be possible to integrate something like that into Leo? In other words, could we have the chatbot ability along with some type of image creation. The latter would allow content creators to generate their own images which also developing a library of royalty free images on Leo.

Is this something that could be done?

I don't know the technical details of something like this or the cost. Most of these AI applications have some type of free version with a paid option accessing more. I think X offers Grok to its Twitter Blue holders for an additional monthly fee. While I cannot be sure of the pricing, for some reason $25 per month sticks out in my mind.

Whatever the it is, could a similar plan be designed for Leo?

For example, with Premium, perhaps someone can access the full capabilities of the chatbot along with image generators for, say, an additional 10 HBD per month. While the basics would be available to Premium members, additional features might have another fee due to the costs incurred.

Marketing Potential

By now most are aware of the tokenomics on Leo.

As more of these features are rolled out, the value of Leo Premium, and whatever else, only increases. This means there is more incentive to subscribe each month. Of course, anyone holding LEO (and HIVE) benefits since the fees go to purchasing those assets and placing them in a liquidity pool.

From a marketing standpoint, could this be positioned as a standalone service? If there is chatbot and image creation available, could that interest people to an even greater degree when framed as being part of blockchain technology. Obviously the AI doesn't reside on the blockchain but the results can be drawn from here.

Adding image capabilities along with the ability for the community to develop a library could also have some benefit.

Generative AI does not appear to be going away. Over time, it is only going to grow in use. Having it on Leo could be a separator, at least in the short-term.

It is likely that platforms without these AI driven features will be quickly outdated as we move forward. Over the next year or two, it seems like this stuff will be implemented into everything.

LeoAI could be a service that can be promoted.

But first, we must find out what is possible. This all sounds interesting but can it be done and, if so, to what degree?

What Is Hive

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


wen leoAI?

it seems we keep moving on to the next thing but we havent maintained well what we have now. inleo needs to focus and get the basics done O.O like our poll system shouldn't be having issues.


We already were told that LeoAI is in the works. It was stated that 1 million Threads were used to train it.

Are they only training it on Leo posts? While 1 million threads sounds like a lot, it is miniscule compared to what the other AI are being trained on. I have also heard that there are Hive users that are against AI, and I wonder if they are aware that their data is being used to train AI.


You are right, it is miniscule. We need a lot more data going in. This is what people seem to fail. They take to twitter instead of posting on here.

Also it is not training the entire system. They are using some type of model such as a Llama2 or something like that. What the threads do is give it Leo specific stuff and allows for them to put in the data we create here.

But I dont know the particulars of how that all works out.


I see. Thank you for sharing what you know.


I guess it's great idea but aren't we moving to fast, let's sit back and settle in with the little issues on Leo before moving to join hands or partnership but if it's happen it might be a 60% success for now if it happens
