The Road To $150 MIllion For Leo


Before getting started, I want to clarify one thing:

The $150 million value of $LEO is a minimum level. This is not the cap for what I see the potential. Instead, it is something that gets the juices flowing.

Of course, all talk without action is, well, just talk. Many people talk a good game, few actually produce. I told you in a thread a while back that I was going to do everything in my power to help get Leo to the $150 million level.

For this reason, it is time to give a bit of insight into where things are heading and why this is actually a very possible goal. It is something that discussed in the past, falling mostly on deaf ears.

In this article I am going to start to explain the path that is being taken and how much of an impact this can have.

Billions In Value

Notice the image above.

This is the estimate worth of Wikipedia according to Certainly, it is foolish to take this as an exact valuation but we are dealing with $5.5 billion.

If the number is off by a couple billion, that is still $3.5 billion. That is a lot of cheddar.

So how can we tap into this?

The path starts with LeoGlossary. This is something that originated as a financial [database)]( but is now expanding. Since the rebrand of Leo, we see the scope extended.

Why not follow that with LeoGlossary?

There answer is there is no reason not to do it.

Hence, we are going to now focus upon making LeoGlossary a highly valued component to Leo.

Ad Revenue

We all know the anticipated ad revenue model is going to be released in a few weeks. This is now the entry point into an entirely new dimension.

Many have wondered how to get a wiki going on Hive. Most thought it a good idea yet failed to determine a way to entice people to do it.

We now have the solution.

By expanding LeoGlossary into other areas, we are going to increase the potential of bringing in more revenue. This is going to be a bonus for everyone who is involved with Leo and staking the token.

It is best to keep in mind that revenues drive value in many instances. The goal here is to generate millions per year in ad revenue. If that can be done, we are looking at the ability to see the price of the LEO token appreciate greatly.

This is one of the reasons why this new model is so powerful. It potentially allows for a massive scaling of a project like LeoGlossary.

The Secret Weapon

Why would anyone pay attention to a little glossary on an unknown blockchain?

This is a reasonable question and might have a degree of validity on the surface. However, if you under the secret weapon, you will see how the next phase of LeoGlossary development is going to be explosive.

Of course, this is going to require a lot of work and will not be an overnight success. There are tens of thousands of pages to build but it can be done. In the meantime, it is adding wherever we can to keep things moving forward.

There is another piece to this puzzle that is still not in the present toolkit. It is the difference maker and I submitted a request to the project team. It turns the next phase of LeoGlossary into something more than just a database.

Fortunately, for all reading this, it will be the subject of my article in the morning.

Needless to say, this is going to be something that can radically transform the way people engage with this platform. At the same time, it address a major need out in the marketplace. I have written about it in the past so it is now time to just build it.

Is this going to be worth billions? Not likely.

It is, however, a piece to a much bigger project. Over time, this will start to drive attention simply because of the void it fills.

As always, nothing is operating in a vacuum. For this reason, it is key to keep building in other areas. To truly materialize, we need a lot of worth with SEO, errors being fixed, and people engaging.

That said, the $150 million number is well within reach. There are a lot of pieces to this puzzle. What is great about a project like Leo is that, what I am describing here, is outside the project team. This is operating totally outside their scope (although we do need some tools).

At the moment, the team is small (only 3 of us) but it will be expanded. We are going to start on the next phase, one which will occupy much of the next year.

Lucky, it involves adding text to the blockchain, something that I enjoy doing.

What is Hive

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I am excited about the news concerning the release of the ad revenue in few weeks to come. We've been waiting for this and I hope it will help push track the increase in value of Leo token.

It's time to stack more tokens because I look forward to the $150 million flight in few in Soon moons to come.


Thank you TM. Please keep updating our leoglossary O.O. I think we can change and name it to leowiki~ we shouldn't just focus on terms but cover even events in history etc O.O why not. do everything wikipedia is doing but better and we can take their value away
