Repeat Business: The Key To LeoAds

We are playing in the minor leagues when it comes to LeoAds.

By this, I am not referring to the volume or amount of money that is coming in. Heck, as I write these words, we are not even seeing ads.

That said, my entire focus is on the next generation LeoAds platform. I am not too concerned with Google AdSense or any of these other ready-made advertising systems. We know they are designed to benefit the companies behind it, not us. Hence, we know the major shift occurs when we step into the world of direct advertising.

When companies (or individuals) can buy space on Leo, directly from Leo, then we know we have something. From all indications, this is something that is under development.

For that reason, as always, it is time to plan ahead. Direct advertising means page views is the criteria. It is essential that we start to move things higher. For this reason, I gave a lot of thought to what can do it.

That is the premise of this article.


Repeat Customers Means Hive Page Views

I am going to dance around the subject a bit here. There is something in the works which is rather simply that can radically alter the clicks that are generated. Since we appear to have some time, it will allow for the development of what I am referring to.

Nevertheless, we can paint things with a broad brush to get an idea of the concept and how things will change.

Many businesses sell people something one and that is it. Certainly, there is repeat business but each transaction is something new. For example, if someone buys a car from a dealership, there is no guarantee they will purchase the next one from that establishment. While there might be maintenance that is provided, even that is not guaranteed.

Now let us contrast this with a repeat business model. Consider the telecommunications industry. This one is known for sell once, collect many. The same is true for insurance companies.

These entities can be affected by turnover but it is less because we are not dealing with a one off situation. When you agree to a cable provider, you pay them each month. If not, the service is severed. The same is true with insurance. Omit paying the car insurance and you will receive a letter notifying of a lack of coverage.

Of course, the majority of people simply renew when the year (or whatever the term is).

The first situation is very difficult. The company has to keep selling anew to keep generating revenue. If a competitor enters the market, an entity like this is really exposed. There is little to fall back upon.

Unfortunately, our approach to LeoAds is akin to the first company. We are generating content hoping that someone new will see it. This is something that we are all doing on a collective basis.

It is time to start thinking about the second option. That means altering what we are doing.

Starting With The Lions

The key is going to start with the Lions. We need to engage with the people who are already here.

Again, we are looking for create once, generate many clicks. To frame it another way, we need to consider this down to an individual.

One of the challenges with blogging is that it is a one off. Once someone read it, there is usually little reason to return. While there could be those works that are so informative they simply pull people in multiple times, these are few on the Internet in general. On Hive, they are non-existent.

That means a totally different approach.

Threads is helpful but guess what, same situation, How many times are you going to click on a thread? The advantage to this is more threads show up each day than blog posts. However, it is the same boat.

One of the keys that I noticed is that we need to be an information center. That is what LeoGlossary is about. The posts there are designed to have people returning periodically. Even this is not ideal but it is a step in the right direction as compared to the majority of what we are posting.

Can we go further?

I think we can. This is why I am excited about what we are working on. This is another proof-of-concept idea. Ultimately, we are going to be dealing with two parts. The benefit to the LEO community is the same: page views.

This single idea can generate millions of page views per year. It is something that has a few benefits:

  • it is scalable
  • the community can participate and expand it
  • there is a market for it
  • highly customizable

We are talking about thousands of pages that can be created, all generating ad revenue. This all feeds the same pie.

If we want to get to 5 million page views in a month, we need to get away from the one off stuff.

By this time next week, hopefully we will have something for all to participate in.

LeoAds changes everything. It is a new opportunity. That said, it is going to require a new way of thinking.

We are doing that. LeoGlossary is intent on getting the LeoAds to obscene levels.

What is Hive

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It will only continue to grow the more people use and click through to ads. Fantastic work and we'll all profit in the future


They need a reason to be on the pages. That means giving them something that will return to over and over.

That is what we are building.


It good to always think outside the box and change the way things are been done before to get a more good result. Good advice.
