Lifetime Pageviews: First Music Playlist On LeoThreads Tops 1,000

Playlists are something that are proving to be a success on LeoThreads. The reason is simple: most love music.

There are times throughout the day when we want to listen to some of our favorite tunes. How do we do this in a way that benefits Leofinance?

It is a question we considered. The answer lies in the creating of playlists on threads.

After a couple weeks, we have some results.

Leo As A Front End For YouTube

The entire premise is to make Leo a front end for YouTube. There are millions of songs on that platform, something that we can utilize and turn into an advantage.

Content is something that all are looking at creating. However, if we think about a playlist, it essentially becomes content even if the file is housed elsewhere.

Looking at the thread above, this is a playlist that was created about about 10 days ago.

We can see the total pageview is 481. This is simply the number of visits to the top line thread. There are also 89 "comments", most of which are individual songs.

Each of these has pageviews associated with them.

This continues for all the songs (comments) under this playlist (thread).

The total when they are all counted is almost 1,200. This is what was generated in under 10 weeks.

How Do The Playlists On Leo Work?

We operate with a very simple system.

It all starts with the top line thread where the playlist tag is posted. This tells what the playlist focuses upon.

After that, it is simply a matter of treating it like a threadstorm by replying to the thread. Of course, each of these replies is a song, which is the tag used there along with the name of the band and title of the song itself.

This entire process could be enhanced when full text search is added to the site, allowing people to search for the names of artists or songs.

Once a playlist is set up, I bookmark it. When it is time to listen, I simply open up the playlist and click on the different songs. From there, they are played like any other website that has a YouTube video embedded.

Anyone Can Set Up Or Use Them

Anyone can create a playlist of this nature. The idea is to keep building them so that we have a strong library of songs.

Those search playlist will find the ones that were set up, allowing for access to what others created. Naturally, if one sets it up on his or her own, it is easiest to just bookmark.

Here is one that was set up by someone else, also around the classic rock genre.

We also have one that deals with music from the 2000s.

As we can see, there were a couple different individuals doing this. Anyone can set these up as a way to develop content.

Evergreen Content And Clicks

This is a simple way to generate evergreen content and put oneself in position to get some traffic going.

Consider this idea: make a playlist and periodically drop it onto other social media platforms. People love to hear what others are listening to.

Individually, if you like music, why not set a few playlists up just for yourself. It is evident that there are ways to start promoting them, even in these early days.

It is also something that can be a major center for Leo.

Resource Center

One of the keys for Leo is to become a resource center. This is what brings people back on a regular basis. It is something that is lacking on Hive in general. We have the opportunity to change this.

Right now there are probably 12-15 playlists. The goal is to get over 1,000 songs this week done. This means we will have a solid foundation in place.

This is really nothing more than a start.

What will things look like if we have hundreds of playlists create with 20K songs in them? How would that serve as a resource center especially if we have search capabilities on the site?

People have long complained about all the reasons why they cannot succeed on here. This removes those obstacles. Anyone can set up a playlist. We have the outline developed and enough test cases in place that enable us to realize how effective it can be.

The first playlist has 1,200 pageviews tied to it. How will it look if each song gets into the hundreds (or thousands)? What does this do for the validity of Leo along with the ability to generate content that can create clicks?

It is not a matter of thinking where things are today. Instead, we have to project 12-18 months in the future. There are hundreds of people on Leo. With something as simple as this, there is no reason why each of us cannot set up a playlist with some of our favorite music.

That would enhance the entire offering while allowing us to enter many different genres.

Some Links To Playlists

Classic Rock

70s/80s Rock

2000s Mix

Rock/R&B Mix



Matthew Sweet

Handpan Insturmental

Movie Songs

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