LeoThreads: Containers Can Differentiate

Over the past couple months, I spent some time thinking about way to utilize LeoThreads. We have a lot of flexibility here and we are limited only by the creativity we bring.

It is still the early days of the platform. The new UI is having some issues worked out (ok a lot of issues). Nevertheless, we keep moving ahead.

For this reason, I am offering up ideas about Leofinance in general and threads in particular. My goal is to get people thinking about some of these concepts and coming up with their own ideas.

In this article I am going to discuss containers.

What Is A Container

A container is basically a thread. The one most people are familiar with is the Threadcast. Here is a thread (container) that is set up to provide engagement during a live show. We see the CTT crew use it along with the Leofinance AMA.

I wrote about Threadcasts in the past. This is something that could be very valuable. One of my goal is to get the development team to include some type of schedule. We need to start thinking in terms of broadcast network for Leofinance.

That said, a container is not just for live broadcasts. We can use then for any group of conversations. In other words, any topic could be centered around a container.

Here is an example of one I put together as a test:

This was centered on cryptocurrency and, as we can see, got about 44 comments under it. That isn't bad for a test.

The point it to think of this as a way of structuring conversations. Tags can only go so far. Also, if we tag a container, that will help people to find it.

It is also something that can be periodically dropped. We will add more to that in a bit.

Structuring LeoThreads.

One of the things containers do is keep things neat. We know there can be a lot added to threads in a short period of time. Sometimes it gets hard to find things especially if there is someone we are following.

Here is an example of how the front page looked and we will see how containers can really clean it up.

Notice how we got a series of threads in a row from the same person. They were nothing more than somoee dropping some random thoughts. Nothing wrong with this mind you; that is what threads are for.

However is there a way to alleviate this? We do not want to deter threading.

How about a container?

Here is one I put together that I will use for the next 24 hours or so.

[Taskmaster Container]

Imagine the previous threads that are on the front page in this person's container. Then it would all be in one spot.

It also makes engagement much easier. Anyone can go through my thread container and comment as he or she sees fit.

What a great way to improve engagement.

Drop The Link

So how do we make people aware of this?

Here is where we simply drop the link throughout the day. Depending upon how engage you are, every few hours post the fact your container is live and give people the link.

This will help people to see what you have going on. If you will, we could think of this as one's wall like Facebook has (had).

Once again, we are dealing with habits. If people get in the habit of providing these for their followers, they will come to expect them. For this reason, especially those who are active on threads, start to use containers.

It is a great way to group together information and provide a "room" for people to assemble.

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gif by @doze


logo by @st8z

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Would love for some type of blend where a long form post goes on threads and the comments from the threads also show up on the blogs comment section I think that could be killer. Believe Khal said something like this in the future.

Also seems to be working great for podcasts etc and could be a good move to get others involved with their works on LEO


It would be interesting. He did mentioned where an article automatically is broken up into threads, like with Crypto Insights.

The cross posting in comments is interesting. Not sure how it would work but it is a cool idea.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Great idea! It will make threads more structured and organised. One can also go deeper on any subject depending on the feedback given. Lot of ideas can pop up.


I think that would be an interesting idea. It would make it a bit easier for people to navigate and it would also make it so that it feels less spammy.


I think the container would be great for those times where someone wants to drop a few thoughts in one spot. It also reduces UI noise, I like the threads but I don’t love seeing 4 comments from one person sequentially unless it’s on the parent container.


Yeah it gets a bit annoying. Keep in mind the traffic also factors in. It is impossible to drop 5 tweets and have them show up in a row since there is so much activity. People can do that on threads since there are only a couple hundred users.

But it does clean things up. You want to drop ideas, simply use a container.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
