Ad Revenue Already Changing: TIme To Get The Pageviews Up

Everyone needs to step up. This was something I wrote about earlier a few days ago. Well, it appears the next stage of ads is not far off into the future.

We all noticed that ads disappeared on the site the last couple days. Here is an explanation.

It seems that Coinzilla is not delivering what is needed. Most of us already knew this as there was a placeholder on the screen more often than when we saw ads. Hence, we are dealing with something that was sporadic at best.

Therefore, it is obvious the decision was made to move things forward. In other words, the advertising model will change into something that could benefit LEO even more.

Since Coinzilla wasn't providing what is needed, we will find something that does what we require. This means building it ourselves.

Decentralized Advertising

Here is another thread that was posted.

Leo is going to combine the idea of decentralized polling with advertising. Here we see how the holders of Leo Power are going to be able to decide whether ads are approved or not. It is nice to see the features we are building on Leo being put to use.

Huge Potential

For those who are familiar, this is going to resemble something like Facebook's Ad Marketplace.

The encouraging part is we were generating about $1,500 per month. Another optimistic piece is we could hit a much higher level if ads were served up. Since they aren't, other matters are being taken.

Now we have a thread stating this could be 10x-20x higher? Simply math means we could be in the $15K-$30K range. What do you think that will do to the price of LEO? Do you think people will want to be involved in that action?

In other words, we are dealing with enormous potential.

Here is the key point though: all of this is going to be dependent upon page views.

Advertisers wants traffic. There are a variety of metrics looked at. The most common are number of visitors along with average pages. That means the more people are clicking around, the higher the rates for the advertisers.

Certainly, until there is an announcement, we have no idea what timeframe we are looking at the new ad platform going live. We could speculate but that would be pointless.

What we can do is to focus our attention on increasing the page views. This is something that takes the entire community, all doing a bit extra. Each additional click will help to feed the numbers, ultimately resulting in the pricing for the ads.

This is why the likes of Facebook and Google generation so much ad revenue. It is also why they can charge the more per ad. Their numbers are simply in the stratosphere.

Of course, we are not looking at that type of volume. However, we are also seeking to get our ad revenue over $10K in a month. That is a rounding error to those giants.

The new mantra is pageviews.

We have to keep driving it home to everyone with Leo Power.

What is Hive

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Always thought inleo was responsible for the placement of ad never knew it is an automatic process. Well at least the ad is currently going aint no stopping it


It sounds good but trying to get companies etc to buy into it are going to be yet another massive challenge for the team. If no buys are in I think a one of the 3rd party systems should be used. It's not just about page views though, you need users and most likely you need to stop the auto refreshing of ads. Not saying all of this can't be done but a 3rd party ad system still feels like the bet but we will see hopefully we don't go to zero.


We will see how it unfolds. Hard to speculate what they are doing.

And you are right, users are important. We have to see higher MAUs in addition to page views. They tend to correlate but not always.


I don't see any reason why a combination couldn't be used. Leo can do their thing and if there are not enough ad buys then ads from a third party service (whether coinzilla or someone else) could be used to supplement.


I'm hopeful we can build pageviews from a broad range of users, not just from a core group of dedicated community members endlessly churning pages. And that means creating content that's worthwhile sharing as "interesting articles" somewhere that is not InLeo.

We need people who are content consumers, and that means we have to create lots of consumable content.



That is true but we have to start where we are at. Unfortunately, it seems like these types of things are done by a few superusers.


I hope it does but I think it's too soon to expect the team to be able to generate stand alone ad revenue. Who knows about Leo and who is going to pay to advertise there?

For me the main focus should be onboarding and marketing. Grow the site first. Retain users and the site with third party ads. Over time the revenue will grow with it and become attractive enough to sell ad space later.
