The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side


In the age of social media, where we are constantly exposed to the highlights and successes of others. It's quite easy to feel that everyone has it better than us, that the grass is greener on the other side.

The 'grass is greener on the other side' as a phrase means that people tend to be dissatisfied with their own situation and always think that others have it better.

It implies that people are not usually grateful for what they have but always on the lookout for something else that seems more attractive or desirable.

At first thought, this seems negative or something that we do not like. After all, satisfaction brings contentment. And when we're content, we achieve inner peace and happiness.

However, there seems to be some positive aspects to it in that it prevents us from being stuck at our comfort zone and become complacent in our pursuits of life.

This post will explore both aspects from a financial standpoint and bring more clarity to the topic in general.

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The Grass Is Not Greener On The Other Side

If you think about it, what mostly gets us moving is more of an external than an internal thing. Part of the reason being that we like to create a level of comparison between others and ourself.

If Mufasa can do it, so can I. Look at what John is doing, we should that too. This isn't inherently bad as it gives us the ability to entertain the possibility of having or making things better in our own lives, to try out different possibilities.

An example from me was when I was working the traditional 9 to 5 and started hearing about internet millionaires making per month what I usually made per year.

At first, there's the denial phase in which I thought this was not for me but upon doing further research the green grass started coming more into view and I wanted to move towards the other side.

Although, the grass may be greener on the other side, what we often fail to realise or put into consideration is that the other side also comes with its own challenges. One could say this is the unspoken cost that we often overlook when we first gaze at the greener grass. In my case, I ended up working 7 to 10 instead of 9 to 5.

A similar case could be said of the people who jump from one investment to another based on trends and public opinion. If crypto is trending, they're investing in crypto. Or in stocks or real estate when those become trending too.

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Here the cost is not achieving anything substantial for an extended period of time. No solid financial structure or foundation.

Oftentimes, the thing with the grass is greener on the other side 'syndrome' is that it can be a never ending cycle simply because there will always be another grass that will be greener.

And if you're out looking for it, finding it wouldn't be hard especially in the attention economy.

What's also interesting is that people(myself included) can use it as an excuse to bail out on putting in the hard work when things start getting tough.

They'll leave the work quarter done and go start a new one, do the same for that one too and then start another new one.

The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side

I know it's a hard sell to convince one that there's a positive aspect to the grass is greener on the other side given that first impressions are also lasting impressions.

Truly, if we have the potential for a higher income or better financial opportunities. To access to better resources or infrastructure. Or the possibility for a more favorable cost of living.

It is because we dared to dream and look beyond our own circumstances knowing that there is a way to somehow make things better.

In a figurative sense, the grass may not necessarily be greener on the other side but there is something about human ingenuity that is able to build flowers on unlikely places.

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Cryptocurrency provides better financial opportunities to many, which one way or another also brings a favourable cost of living to many. Maybe to most in the future.

Blockchain, the technology that crypto is built on gives individuals the access to a better infrastructure that they can utilise to build better systems(dapps).

There is a connection between this saying and the phrase “in search for greener pastures”, which mostly means to look for a better or more promising situation elsewhere.

Both phrases make use of greener grass to represent a better condition or opportunity compared to one's own situation.

The difference between them is that the saying “the grass is greener on the other side” implies that people are often mistaken or deluded in thinking that other situations are better.

Whereas the phrase “in search for greener pastures” usually implies that people are motivated and justified in seeking a change or improvement in their lives.

To me, the difference is subtle. Both point an outward direction to a financially better life. It's just that in the former, we sometimes risk losing a good financial situation and get lost in numerous financial pursuits that lead to nowhere if we don't have a clear destination.

Thanks for reading!! Share your thoughts below on the comments.


Looking outward for a better financial opportunity is a welcome move by whoever intends to pursue it though the reality of the challenges it presents is sometimes underestimated to think it easier on the other side which is far from it.


Exactly, we often underestimate what it takes to survive and thrive on the other side. But it all becomes worthwhile when it leads to a financially better life. What I sometimes don't understand is the fear that makes us want to settle for less when we can have what we desire by putting in the work required to achieve it.
Thanks for stopping by :)
