Reverse Engineering To The Mountain Top


Mountains are lofty landscapes that invoke the feeling of fear and reverence(awe) in us. Because on a time scale, they've been around for a long time, giving them the privilege of seeing and experiencing a lot. The fear comes from our seemingly minute size when compared to a mountain.

Climbing a mountain is always a daunting task as it requires going beyond many default limitations, especially the mental ones.

Realistically, I've never climbed any mountain. I've never even seen one yet. The area I live is more of a low land, the highest I've been to is at the top of a hill.

But it is definitely a life goal of mine to climb a mountain. I'm guessing the first realisation I'll get while on the top will be how small of a perspective I've viewed the world. Ever climbed to the top of a mountain?

Figuratively, I've climbed some mountains. We all have. Life's challenges will often require for us to break our own perceived limits to keep moving forward. These challenges can be as daunting as climbing a mountain. But they are definitely not unachievable.

Although, there is an individual uniqueness to every challenge. Someone has already experienced the same or a similar challenge and overcame it.

Through reverse engineering, we could learn to replicate the system the said person used into our own individual challenge. This makes the task less daunting, giving us a road map of the way to the mountain top.

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The Journey

Anything can seem impossible until someone achieves it. This was the case with the 4 minute mile run when experts said it was unachievable prior to 1954. When Roger Bannister achieved it, the 4 minute mile run stopped being impossible.

Not only did athletes believe that it is possible, but they also studied how and what it takes to achieve it from Roger Bannister's success.

Reverse engineering involves;

  1. Breaking down a system to its core components
  2. To analyze and better understand each of the moving parts that makes up the whole.

It sounds scientific but there's also an art to it. Breaking down a system to its core components can reveal interesting flaws or inadequacies of the system.

This could be a great starting point when creating your own system as you will be able to avoid those flaws and build a much better system.

Let's say I take on the challenge of becoming a great writer and be at the top of the legendary writers mountain.

There are many great writers out there. I'll pick a couple on those that I resonate with and study and analyze every aspect of their writings. The structure, vocabulary, style, argument etc.

During the process, I may discover that writer B used to create weak arguments or had a rough writing style. And these are the steps he/she took to overcome them.

Right from the start of my journey to a great writer, I will be able to avoid the problems mentioned above since I will be aware of them and have already created a system to solve them.

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This is one of the advantages of reverse engineering. It saves one time and effort through avoiding many of the known pitfalls along the way. Just like having a mentor, it makes the journey faster.

Now, there are people who see reverse engineering as cheating in a sense that one is copying another person's work.

Depending on the context this can be true. Businesses do it all the time (Facebook is at the top of the list). But it is unfounded when it comes to individual achievement.

Copying another person's work never guarantees that it is going to work for you. We all have our own unique paths. And if it ends up working, you will be walking on another person's shoe leaving your own behind.

Apparently, one will be at the top of the mountain but in reality one is still not yet at the top of the mountain.

Reverse engineering isn't about copying another person's work. It is simply a way to create a map to tackle a particular challenge based on those who've already tackled that challenge and overcame it. And a map is only a guide.

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The End

​If one has succeeded in reverse engineering his/her way to reach the mountain top and overcome a particular challenge.

Then one will come to understand that challenges are unending. There's always another mountain ahead, followed by another one and another one.

However, let this not be a reason for despair. With more challenges, we develop a thicker skin while also refining our systems for tackling them.

Eventually, we understand the essence of challenges making it a simple thing to solve a challenge.

Thanks for reading!! Share your thoughts below on the comments.


I have climbed a few mountains now that I have to think about it in South Africa one through a church retreat and the other through a picnic but I would have loved to have done more of it.

Interesting read about reverse engineering, studying or copying the work of someone we look up to and implementing it to better ourselves is a great idea that I think is worth doing.
Like you said we all have our unique path and that is very true, I have experienced this, especially at the workplace when colleagues try to copy but the uniqueness is lost. Rather copy by to improve on oneself rather than compete or be that person.


That's interesting to know. Climbing a few mountains already must've bring great experiences and realisations.

Yes, I think it's a great idea too. We will be learning from the mistakes or successes of another person, avoiding the mistakes and replicating the successes to our own individual circumstance. Copying rarely works tbh. The uniqueness is lost along the process and it always show in the end result. Better to emulate and make it much better.
Thanks for stopping by :)


I would love to see you atop a mountain realistically not the one life has shown and still showing us.


Thank you! It will probably happen one day in the future. I've not started counting the days yet lol.
Thanks for stopping by :)


Haha... It is fine. I believe it will if you set your mind to it.


This is the same thing I've been telling my younger brother. The fact that another person seem to be succeeding, makes it seems like it's easy. Sometimes, if we're not unique in our capabilities, we might end up being lost.


Exactly! I think without incorporating our uniqueness, we lost a sense of direction. This causes us to wander off the wrong path, wasting time and effort on things that may not bring any sense of meaning or fulfillment to us. We have to learn to succeed in our own unique ways.
Thanks for stopping by :)


It's the core of our existence: unique, diversity and specialty. So even if we all collectively do the same thing, our entity still reflects


Absolutely, and yes, it does reflect in almost every thing we do. What we can also do is 'allow' it to happen through the various works we do.


Of course. Great contents, back to back. You're doing really well on hive.


Thank you so much, I appreciate it a lot and all the support :)


It is very interesting take on the matter.

Reverse engineering can really help in understanding how a any device or the process, system, or software accomplishes its task Whats more - we can do that even with very little insight into how it does so.

Then one will come to understand that challenges are unending. There's always another mountain ahead, followed by another one and another one.

However, let this not be a reason for despair. With more challenges, we develop a thicker skin while also refining our systems for tackling them.

I like your optimistic approach :)


Exactly, we don't always need to know everything to do a particular thing, understanding the most important aspects of it can help us do the job in a less amount of time. I sometimes see it as removing the excess of any process.

Well, thank you! In some cases, I see being optimistic as a great way to tackle the challenges ahead.
Many thanks for stopping by :)


World is changing on incredible pace, it is impossible to keep up with everything,
so we should use all available tools, and just learn as we go:)

Again - very good article. See you around!


I love the sound of that! We can use different tools depending on the point we find ourselves at along the journey :)

Thanks once again :)


MY boss at office do say.

If you dont face problem daily, you will believe everything are ok with you. Even if you are stay as a house boy in a place and they are not giving you any issue. You will think that is the best place for you with no other opinions.

I guess it is the problems we human have faced over the years that have helped us with so many solutions now in terms of technologies, drugs, transport and many more.
This was an interesting read


Absolutely! If we're not challenged, we can easily have the conception that everything is okay while in reality we're just focusing on the easy things and ignoring the challenges that we might have.
Through solving problems, we indeed become better in many aspects of life and as an effect the world around us also gets better like you've pointed out.
Thanks for stopping by from #dreemport :)


besides, we have lots of mountains in my place, i plan to climb on in december


That's great! Have a wonderful climbing experience :)


Challenges would never cease just like success isn't a destination. I think that the more we grow the more we face because responsibilities, visions, goals change the higher we go.

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Yes, indeed. I think we understand more of our circumstances, giving us a different view from when we started the journey. It seems a bit relaxing knowing that it never ends in a sense that we don't need to sprint to get to the end.
Many thanks for stopping by from #dreemport :)


I thought to myself while reading this that mountains exist to prove to us that life is big and complex in different forms, however, the existence of these complexities(read:mountains) does not stop us from living and leaving our own impacts.
Great article friend @takhar
Found this on #dreemport


Exactly, sometimes, the motivate an inspire us to give our best in many of the things we do. No matter how big they are, we can be bigger than them.
Thanks for the kind remarks and for stopping by from #dreemport :)


Hehe... The mountain of life are invisible very tall mountains... Never easy to get to the top anyway but with consistency, we will eventually.

Nothing really is impossible anyway.... Records however will be set and records will still be broken, it just takes resilience

I really don't think it's copying when it comes to reverse engineering... Just like you stated, it's a guide.
I also think It should be made available for everyone in all areas of life and the most important thing is that the human race is progressing... Then maybe for the sake of Honours, you might acknowledge the owner of the engineering from which you used as a guideline and served as a path to the greater advancement.
My thoughts and opinions though

I'm a #dreemer who popped in via @dreemport


Yes, they can be very tall, but with persistence we will reach the top.

I like the statement about setting and breaking records, they bring out the competitive nature in us which can be very helpful sometimes in reaching the mountain top.

It's indeed a guide. It will be great if it was known and accessible to most. I think there's much usefulness in it when it comes to effectively or efficiently
doing our works in life. Absolutely, giving recognition to the first creator of the system is necessary, legends need to live on and not be forgotten :)
Many thanks for stopping by from #dreemport fellow #dreemer :)
