Leverage And Distribution


To me, leverage is a fairly new concept. It has only being a few years since the concept clicked in my head and I got to understand the many contexts it can be put into.

When I put on the 'leverage lens' and rediscover my surroundings or immediate environment I interact with, I'm both disappointed and excited about what I was viewing. Disappointed in a sense that I didn't even got near the max output from the input I was putting in. The excitement is the tweaks I'll be making to change that.

Basically, leverage is maximizing the output of an input. And distribution is an aspect of it.

A common example is a blogger who writes quality blog posts that attracts traffic or shares, leverage the content of the blog posts to create other forms of content such as videos, podcasts etc and distribute them to other platforms.

It's akin to deriving many fruits from one seed. Perhaps, the tree is the system put in place to make that happen.

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Input And Output

Speaking of systems, it is the internet that has enabled these new kinds of leverage. During the olden days, writing an essay may have been easy, but turning that into other forms of content such as video or podcast would've have been hard. This is because it was very cost intensive to do that.

Technology has digitized all of these now. So the financial cost of production has dropped to near zero. The same thing more or less applies to its distribution thanks to social media.

Leverage is at the intersection between input and output. While we do not directly have control over the output, we can control the input and utilize leverage to indirectly control the output.

Depending on where we may find ourselves on the journey, some of us get less output from the input we put in. Some get an almost equal proportion and some get more output from the input they put in. The difference amongst the three types is time and the leverage employed.

When it comes to time, a newbie will naturally get less output from the input he/she may put in. Newbies don't know much and have to develop their skillsets, reputation, credibility and thick skin. It's a different case for the advanced amateur or semi professional, the amount of input is almost equal the output they get.

While for the master, it's also a different case altogether, the output is much higher than the input put in.

Things get a bit more interesting when we look at the leveraged employed as it puts some light on smart work. According to Naval Ravikant, they are three types of leverage:

  1. Labor
  2. Capital
  3. Product & Media

The newbie could utilize product and media leverage to get the same or even more output than the master. The advanced amateur could utilize capital leverage to also achieve the same output as the master or even more. And the master could well utilize labor leverage to achieve grandmaster output.

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To give practical examples, the master could be a guy like Warren Buffett and the newbie could be a guy like Vitalik Buterin. Vitalik utilized product and media leverage in the form of creating valuable code that gets used by a lot of people.

Maybe Warren could have reached grandmaster level if he had invested into Bitcoin or Ethereum during the early stages.

In a way, leverage disrupts the natural progression of time and the traditional mindset we have towards it. No doubt, hard work is important. But adding smart work will give one an edge.

In Closing

​Thinking out loud, my distribution skills are lacking, especially here on Hive. To me, posting a blog is like doing the bare minimum. I'm not creating other forms of content from it such as microblogs on Leothreads or Ecency waves or even distributing it on web2 social media.

I have to do some tweaks there. Maybe some time in the future in regards to podcasts or videos.

Thanks for reading!! Share your thoughts below on the comments.


I think most of us are lacking in this aspect myself included, it will make a big impact possibly positively if we could leverage and distribute to multiple platforms.

The thing that gets me discouraged with Web 2 platforms is that it takes forever before we start earning and somtime the means of getting paid isn't available in some countries in.

I have tried sharing my content on beehiv and one other but I need striped and all that for earnings and even funding of my account so the discouragement starts there for me even though am keen on it.

It is why it Hive keeps being the focus and where I channel most of my time, while it has been paying off, I desperately need 1 or 2 platforms where I can re-distribute my work on Hive.


Yes, that's one of the main drawbacks with these web2 networks. Despite their advancements, they don't have a good global payment structure to help facilitate the transactions and creators have to rely on third parties. These third parties are very picky in who they service to. A few years back I also came across stripe but it wasn't supported in my country, there was this option of opening a business company with comes with a bank account and everything in the USA. This option was quite expensive for me back then at $500 for the open and I think $250 every year for upkeep and maintenance.

Web3 naturally solves all of that as payment is part of the infrastructure from the start. Perhaps, we should just skip web2 when it comes to getting paid and look for other web3 platforms that a decent enough and have a good vision. Web3 has a less audience now compared to web2, but this could change as time progresses.

Definitely need to learn some ways to distribute our work and increase the output we get from it. I think 3 will be ideal. In a way, it's also a diversification mechanism.
Thanks for stopping by :)


I also tried the Amazon thing and even got an IRS number from the US but that was as far as I got the entry barrier is just too much one ends up giving up along the way.
Web 3 solves the entry barrier and payment system a great deal.


Yes, it's a complicated process that can easily get frustrating to the point that one gives up on it. Things are much easier on web3 on both fronts.


Well i believe one can tolerate all if he is going to get paid in easy way but the heartbreak is transction processs and time of web2 platform
I have have been writing for many platforms sỗ found this thing discouraging


Right. Web2 platform is still a bottleneck when it comes to payments and transactions, especially when one is not located at a developed nation.
I can see that the discouragement is understandable but we must not give up in finding other ways to earn from our work. I believe there are good ones out there, we just have to keep searching for them.
Thanks for stopping by from #dreemport :)


I never thought of making my content in video but there was a day I tried to sing a song for post it was then I realized that writing is easier than making videos



This is very true! Writing is much easier than making a video or a podcast. Those require many more skills to do successfully or to a decent level. For me, I think I'll try it sometime in the future. It seems early to do it now.
Thanks for stopping by from #dreemport :)


Nice one, As a newbie on this platform, I will like more work and teaching on it. This is a good one, ready to explore any available opportunity. #dreemerforlife, #dreemport


That's a great mindset to have as a newbie, the more we learn, the better we tend to get. More opportunities are also open to us.
Thanks for stopping by from #dreemport :)


I believe this one aspect we’re all lacking in. We don’t leverage our contents. This would be actually good to do. But I believe we don’t do this because there’s no guarantee of being paid. I mean is it even a possibility. We’ve seen how difficult it is to earn form web2.

#dreemerforlife #teamflash


Rightly said! From an earning perspective, it seems hard and distribution sometimes entails putting it more work. But I think it's also good to diversify our work onto other platforms and perhaps give it more exposure and attract new audiences. Web2 is definitely out but there could be opportunities here on web3.
Thanks for stopping by from #dreemport :)


You’re right. There are definitely more opportunities on web3
