Justice Is Interest Of Stronger- Discovering Plato


Background information
This post is second episode of Philosophy. I have published my first blog about philosophy and you can check that blog here. Today, in this second episode we will talk about student of Socrate Plato.
Plato was brought up in comfort life and he was an athlete person who was fond of games and had won titles in games but he entered in the studentship of his master Socrate to learn the mysteries of life and world. He was 28 when his Master Socrates died.
For the Quest of knowledge and for celebration of wisdom he wandered for about 12 years and he searched every way of living from round the globe.
Today, we will talk about Plato's concept about Justice.
A handful of mighty is better than a bagful of right
According to Plato Justice is interest of stronger means the strong people with power have the ability to shape the laws. As different kinds of government made laws and they punish those who transgress them.
So here may questions arises; Shall we seek power or Shall we seek righteousness?

There is war between good and strong in the society.There are so many hindrances behind the Justice system.
Economic Division
Simple lifestyle is not made for men Because human have so many emotions like jealousy, ambitions and competition and humans are made up for the competitive environment. They love to do race with other beings. Even from the start of life sperms remain in the race and only one wins the race to become a human being. That's why men don't live up in the same state.
Plato discussed the concept of two cities that every city is actually composed of two cities on the basis of economic. One part is Rich city and other is Poor city. This distribution of wealth produces war situation and creates imbalance and it's main reason behind political change.
If we talk about Democracy, which talks about justice and equal rights to every person and it's basic principle is equal right to everyone. But excess of democracy ruins the democracy's building because in the state not everyone is fully educated to choose right person to rule and it always choose the person who is giving good Lip service.
There is a solution to this which is universal education but it is looking quite ideal. it means that we can neither create ideal Democratic system nor we can get ideal justice system.
Justice follows the harmony system means the upper class has more prevalence and they can access the justice more essily then it flows down. Justice is not merely about strength but harmonious strength.


Justice system really depends on power. The one who has power, money he owns the justice.


Although the difference between the rich and the poor is making the world imbalance but in a good sided view, it's one of the things that keep man pushing.
