Robots are taking up the space


Hello everyone here🤩🤩 it's another week to engage on this great community.
Robots came into use and existence in the late 1950s but its presence was not really alarming compared to the way it is now. Back then AI wasn't customized to be more closer to our lives and was so limited that we barely talked about it.

Robots were only used in big factories and assembly line industry like car companies Unlike in the today world were we have security camera robots that set in our houses


It is clear that robots have their advantages and these merits are so enormous. We all know it makes work and everything easier for us humans.the truth is I have seen many people lose their jobs because of these robots..

In my own case I'm still a student that does a job which machines helps a lot which helps me settle some bills and support myself, robots don’t have the ability to fold laundry but helps in cleaning solutions and reducing the work time I can tell you individually that you can have your clothes wash and everything done in less than 15minutes but still they can't entitle to it I'm a laundry cleaner and I give out the best services
While robots can perform some cleaning task competently the lack personal engrossment to elements or details that the human cleaner can give,in this profession they lack that care and understanding about the maintening process which makes we humans the best fit for that.


However these robots can't be brought to end because it use been used all over the world 🌎 and it makes me feel bad about the poor or should I say the unskilled some of them their lives depends on their jobs which are now taken over by robots even to the least thing as planting and cultivation are being carried out by robots on the other hand these are jobs that labourers get paid to carry out


some other tele-marketers and repsionist, Doctors and surgeons even typist back then there high numbers of secretaries in companies and organization,now the numbers has drastically reduced because AIs now right while we just speak

My personal take in the matter of this,an average individual can't afford some of this robots and randomly speaking it makes us lazy on some things in the sense that personal development is the key,if we can train ourselves to do what we do to the best then we might likely see less of the robots because many people believe that robots can actually do the job better than a human can do,if we want to consider this closely we will know that it's a business strategy which means the manufacturers of these robots are selling it out and enriching their we have to sit up do something our standard..

   Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate🤓🤗


I think AIs and Robots taking over things have an advantage and a disadvantage just like you said making us lazy is one thing.
