The African in me let out a God-forbid after reading through the prompt. Don't blame me. I've always been told to think and talk positivity and life.


A popular saying though, says that, "live everyday like it's your last day of life" and I try to keep that in mind as I go through my day. This is nothing about me hoping my life meets an end but it is drive to live my best, gain experience as they come, take risks, eat well, live excitedly and be at right standing with all.

Ive never had a list for this kind of occurrence. Don't think anyone else does. But searching through my mind, taking into cognizance the time and sifting the important from unimportant, the things that I'd do are:

Go play football
Street football precisely. Just the way I enjoyed it as a young lad, monkey post and all. I'll savour every minute, enjoy the breeze against my skin, the yells, the arguments, the cries of victory, the laughter. I'd play with so much energy and grace, reminding myself how good my legs are. And that would be me paying respect to the one thing dear to me.

Cook for my sister.
Hilarious ad weird as this seems going by the issue of the money, this is one thing I'd do. Until tomorrow, that girl doubts my culinary skills inspite of the many times I drummed it into her ears that I am a world class chef. Little mistakes here-and-there in the past and she believes I'd never get to make an eatable meal. I would not be making beans, they all know I'm the best at it. I'll probably make Afang or Egusi. I may flop in the process, I know but there presents an opportunity to catch some fun and laugh.

Spend time with family
Very importantly. What can replace spending the last minute with the people who love an cherish all of me. The very people that when the chips are down and however life gets, they never go MIA on me. The moments would be spent laughing, eating, shouting, gisting, banting and maybe singing, just the way we alone know ow. My! Nothing beats the bond and the love of Family.

These are the very things I'd do in the space of that 24 hours. Maybe add something different, but here's what I can think of.

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