RE: It's All About Perspective .:. Hump Day Easy Talk

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Great Vlog and beautiful picture. The city does look like it's on fire but I like it.

As for perspective, you are very positive on this journey and I know a little about how it is when trying to lose weight. A suggestion I have is if your really just trying to lose inches as opposed to losing weight, you should measure your waistline and track your inches (or the form of measurement you use) and also if you can figure out what is that causes you to gain weight, you can tailor a diet to limit that and it may help.

When I eat too many carbohydrates I gain weight, so as a result I try to watch that I'm not eating too many and if I start picking up weight, I'll omit them (as much as I can) from my diet for a while.

As for your son, he could add more foods to his diet like carbohydrates (rice. pastas, potatoes, noodles, and breads). And then he could use a weight gain supplement to help.

Keep up the good work and stay positive! You'll get to where you're going in time!


Thanks for the advice, Charletta! I will try to "control myself" more...

The problem is that in my first 30-35 years I had always problems getting weight, so this is a bit weird situation for me... As I should now worry more about what I eat... :)

But I do believe, that every day excersize and 1-2 hours of walking will balance out all the problems with weight... :)

Have a great weekend!
