🏫 A Very Eventful Day At School, A Girl Day Out Tomorrow, & A Lot More Stories! πŸ‘­


I want to tell a little bit about my Khmer teacher, Sokra, and a few others. Tomorrow most of my girl friends are going to Sokra house.


Today was kinda not normal for me, first of all Sokra is mad at me because I hit a bit hard. But she did it to me I wouldn't even care, because it is normal for friends. Well, last time she made me cry because she throw a baby gecko at me, and I'm terrified of gecko big or small. Well, I did cry a lot but I wasn't made at her, because I know she likes teasing people.


Well I did notice a lot of stuff after being friends with her for almost 2 years. I know that she have anger issue, she destroy stuff when she is mad. If I counted all of the stuff she destroyed this month that would be 5 blue pens, 3 red pens, 2 rulers, a keychain, a lipstick, a calculator, a note book, and 3 book cover. Imagine if it is money it would be almost 10 dollars in total. When I am made I like to be left alone somewhere where no one can find me, and just listen to music if possible, or just talking to myself.


Well she also take less attention in learning and just watch her phone during classes a lot, especially with my Khmer Teacher. Since my Khmer is a very easy person, and he usually do what the students want. Like today I suppose to have 4 hours of classes with him, but the other students asked him for a free period, which he agreed to. It is quite annoying and he is like my favorite teacher.


Tomorrow my friends are going to have a small party at Sokra's house. Well it is just like finding crabs and grill them, and drink some drinks. Also one of my friends Sok-Ly said she's going to bring some beer, well I didn't know she can drink I did know Sokra drink. Well, I'm not going because I don't want to go and also because I don't want to left Dariya alone at school. It is because her aunt didn't let her, and she was there for me when no one is around. I trust her almost as much as I trust Sokra, and I didn't know her a year yet. I just know that I can trust her, and she won't judge me. If she say anything bad that would hurt my feelings then I also have something to say, but I won't do that it is just that I like to give people a second change, only if that person apologize and I know them for more than half a year.

Monkey B


Perhaps not going to Sokra's party will get the message through to her that she has done you wrong. Also, strong friendships can easily handle little 'fights'.

I do think though that people with anger issues need to work on this, especially if they destroy things or hurt others in the process.

Sending you a hug!


Well, I guess I'm used to having friends with anger issues. I used to have a lot of friends with anger issues. Well anyway I hope she could changed that, or do it least often. Have a wonderful day.


Well, I guess I'm used to having friends with anger issues. I used to have a lot of friends with anger issues.

Maybe they are attracted to you because you are different and they like your calm. You set a good example.

Have a great day yourself!


Well, I don't know if I have that effect on people, but I know that I don't have that effect on my mom. Have a great day to you too.


You mean your mom gets angry at you, easily? That happened to me too...
