Building Land | My Plan Which I'm Sure Will Go Snafu

Tuesday Nov. 14th 2023 is going to mark an epic day for the Play 2 earn (play 2 own) ((or whatever you want to call it)) Splinterlands is the official launch of land. So far everything looks on track (writing this on Monday Nov. 13th 2023) with some of the devs saying they see no more issues or reasons to hold it back.

This is something that's well over three years in the marking when land was first being sold with the promise of it becoming something later. Three years for a game asset is a rather long term investment so yes I'm rather excited about this.

For being heavily invested into the game I have access to the test servers in which we got to play around with land before it's release. It was a great way to get warmed up and test a few things out.

I thought it would be cool to write a post about my plans and maybe get some comments and feedback from the community for things I may have overlooked.

Splinterlands Assets

  • 142 Plots of land
  • 1 Keep
  • 150,000 grain
  • 1,500 time crystals

Day 1 Plan

With the release of land 1.5 there wont be all that much for us to do. But there will most likely be a mad rush with some perks of being one of the firsts to do it. 1.5 will introduce Grain, Research points and SPS mining.

Before simply holding land would get you SPS each day. Now you'll need to mine it and that mining does come at a cost of staked cards and those cards aka monsters eating grain.

Research points are a LONG term goal of most likely a few years before the initial idea of what it all is becomes known to players and it's a faith based thing that you believe it's going to be worth mining and having the expense of it now for what it could be in the future. It's a risk and it's going to be a costing only to lock in those cards and pay all of that grain to mine research points.

Grain will be the first liquidity pool and it's the resource I feel that will always be in demand. That means that liquidity pool will most likely be collecting a decent amount of fees. Maybe not at first but as more lands and more options of what to do on those lands becomes available it means less grain production to produce other things which I believe will give it demand and value.

For the first few days I'll be working entirely in my keeps area of 100 plots.

This is because any work I do here I'll be able to collect my own fees lol At some point I might sell off some of these lands to people but I might do it 3rd party or something or rent them if possible to make sure they are being worked. Land just sitting around when you own a keep or a castle means lost revenue!

A few notes before I jump into this

  • I will be using all BETA cards and maybe some Alpha. Beta has a 5x PP multiplier and Alpha has a 10x multiplier. (Sure glad I bought a number of decks back in the day of beta this should finally pay off I hope lol)
  • The max PP you can have on any given plot is 100,000 but that does not include bonuses so it is possible to go over it with things like totems and land quality.
  • Land rarity plays an important role Rare is 10% bonus, Epic 40% bonus and Legendary 100% bonus.
  • That means if my production is 500 grain on a normal plot of land if I used it on a legendary one I would make 1,000 grain. Those in a totem legendary I I think they add together to get 2,000 or it might only effect the base level so 1,500 (need to test this)

Step 1: Use Time Crystals to quickly open up my Rare Occupied plot

Putting this land to work right away will start to collect SPS rewards and I should be able to honestly get it online with in the first 5 minutes to 30 minutes if there's some slow downs or hiccups during launch. That means we can start producing SPS at a rather rapid rate. It's my best occupied plot within my keeps land. But I do have a few others of rare but no epics on legendary on those sadly so it most likely wont be a super focus area after some time. The goal for me is to help push me faster towards that 1 million SPS goal that I have which I'm only almost half way there. I don't want to get too hung up on the 1 million goal if the price jumps I will be cashing some out this time around into some stables (lesson learned from the last bull market).

**Step 2: **Next I'm going to need grain as these monsters are already going to start eating through the 150,000 I have stored up at the moment. So next we need to get grain online and fast as it's not going to take them very long to start making a dent in it.

Depending on how fast it gets eaten I'll either use time crystals to open the plot and start mining it. But I also have some rather high end monsters that produce some good PP (Production Points) so I could do some and let them clear the rest while I work on something else for a while.

The other big negative here at least I think so is that almost ALL of my plots are freakin Tundra which max at a 5% bonus instead of 10% bonus but allows for more options of cards that can be used on the plot. It's unclear on how beneficial that will be as I feel you're not going to ever work the wrong cards on a plot.

Step 3: Opening Lands and Building

My plan after I'm producing vast amounts of grain and have the SPS system in place is to then start opening up more lands. My goal here is to have max set PP (production Point) monsters for 100k total value to be working on clearing these plots. I might at this point hold on to what is left of my time crystals as I feel they are going to come in handy when land 1.6 etc start to roll out for things like lumber, stone and whatever else their might be. (Remember there's expected to be 50+ resources that can be mined by land and many will interconnect with each other to produce better items.

Step 4: Totems

This most likely will slip in before step 3 but also be continued on during and after step 3. That's adding totems to land. I currently have...
1 Legendary
6 Rare
15 Common

The legendary is going to go on the occupied plot and the rare will be going on to the legendary plot that's producing grain to pump up production of it. This will help to offset working eating costs for opening up other plots as quickly as possible. Starting from Epic to rare and then a few common.

From there I'll branch out into my other high level plots of epic and rare located all over the map and open those up. I'll be starting some production on these however I'm really thinking about putting in some work on them and then either selling them or perhaps using them in pair with each other. Creating enough grain in one plot to fuel the others and optimize those plots for the resource that's low in that area.

Anyway I pretty much blocked out the entire day to play land ( I think it goes live somewhere around 11am EST but it might be a big update that takes a few hours so 1pm EST?) Hard to say but I'll for sure be on the ball with it and pumping it out as I'm radio silent lol. After things have cooled down a bit I'll create a new post with the deets.

Have a blast, farm that land and enjoy the all new gameplay and expansion to one of the best crypto based blockchain games right here on the Hive Blockchain. If you're not yet playing the game feel free to join up via my link here Join Splinterlands Today


Thanks for sharing your strategy... I will probably do a very similar thing even if I only own 4 plots ;-)

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project which will be highlighted in the next post! Comment Footer.jpg
