What Are You're Plans For The Coming Bull Run?

Hello SPIers, today we talk about your plans. All i do is write about what SPI is going to do so for a change, what are your plans for the next bullrun?


Do you have a plan?

Thinking that you will cash out when crypto is high is not a plan. A plan is setting rules and taking action when the rules say to. You are either setting a price or date to sell/buy, knowing what you're going to do with those funds right away and then knowing what you will do with the funds after that again. I think most people think they have a plan but they dont and they get repeatedly wrecked are make the minimum profits at best.

Let me give you an example. By the way, im not claiming to be some sort of master planner. I keep things simple because it's hard to mess up if you stick you whatever rules you set. This trade is planned for SPI and I'll 94% copy this trade with some of my own personal BTC as well.

The trade = Playing the BTC > HIVE ratio spread

This is not a short-term thing but can be repeated each cycle. It involves starting with BTC and then converting it to HIVE, then HBD and back into BTC. The basic plan is to...

  • Convert 1 BTC into 200k HIVE if the opportunity presents itself. Last cycle the HIVE peak was 330k to 1 BTC in Jan 2021.
  • Hold the 200k HIVE liquid and when HIVE crosses over $1, put the lot into a sell order for $2 and wait whatever time it takes, probably a few months.
  • Sell the 200k HIVE for $400k and convert it all into HBD
  • Compound HBD interest for 1 year, bottoms normally come in around 1 year after the bull cycle peaks.
  • Spend $200k on BTC, keep 100k HBD and convert 100k to HIVE

Plan B - 2 points of failure

  • If we never see 200k HIVE for 1 BTC, no trade
  • If HIVE does not go to $2 and the bull ends, we convert HIVE into 1 BTC and power up the remaining HIVE for 4 years. I guess this would be Mar 2026 at the latest.

Rise and repeat the bull run of 2029 with our BTC. See, nice simple plan that could make a crap ton of profits for us.


So, what are your plans?

If you dont have any plans on what you're going to do when the market is running hot, you're going to get wrecked and over HODL. Think about how much of your personal wealth is within your investments (not your house), your crypto, stocks and stuff and then think about how much time to spend planning on how to manage it. If you can find a way to earn an extra 5% a year on something, are can do some sort of safeish long-term trade, that all compounds down year on year. This makes spending a few hours now and then planning and keeping tabs on things worthwhile.

If you do have plans, please share some of the things you guys are doing. You might inspire me and others to join you. I think liquidity within most cryptos can handle a few plebs like us. I think sharing things ideas/plans with others is like a treasure trove of information.

People that plan normally plan in fine detail because they are constantly thinking of each step toward an end goal. The end goal is normally not money, it could be something like retirement or being mortgage-free. Having lots of money is not a great motivation, what you can do with that money is the motivation. When you have that motivation, your plans are well thought out and fine-tuned. This is great information to share with others.


Anyway, im looking forward to seeing what you folks are planning for the coming 18-24 months. Thanks for checking out the post and have a great day.


Token NameMain AccountLink to hive-engine
SPI token@spinvestSPI
LBI token@lbi-tokenLBI
Top XV token@spinvestXV
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Important topic.
But a sell order at 2$ seems veery risky (and too greedy for my taste). Hive has massive problems, otherwise we would not be at rank 294 (we were at the top30 in peak times) and new sexy projects (even if crap) are always considered more attractive for investors than solid, but stone old niche projects. We can be happy to reach 1$ again even in a bull phase. In so far not sure, if Hive ever can outperform BTC (given that Hive has much more inflation than BTC).
