TRAVALA's May Monthly Report: A Comparative Analysis of Business Performance


In the ever-evolving world of travel and blockchain technology, TRAVALA has emerged as a prominent player, providing a decentralized platform for booking accommodations worldwide. As we delve into TRAVALA's May Monthly Report, we will compare its performance metrics with the previous month's report to gauge the company's progress and assess its overall business health.

Comparative Analysis:

Upon analyzing TRAVALA's May Monthly Report, several key metrics demonstrate notable changes compared to the previous month's report.

Booking Revenue: In May, TRAVALA experienced a significant increase in booking revenue ($5,499,709 in May versus $5,150,660 in April), with a growth of 6.8% compared to April. This surge indicates a positive trend in customer engagement and highlights TRAVALA's ability to attract more users to its platform.

Number of Bookings: Interestingly, the number of booked nights on TRAVALA decreased during May (8,034 room nights, 3,973 flights), showcasing a loss of -2.7% whereas the number of booked flights increased by 5.2% compared to the previous month (8,255 room nights, 3,776 flights).

AVA Token Utility: TRAVALA's native token, AVA, continued to play a vital role in the platform's ecosystem. The May report highlights an increased amount of AVA in giveback reward (143,425.61 AVA vs 95,861.28 AVA +49%). This raises the question, why the AVA giveback has increased that much without an equivalent increase in bookings. Unfortunately, this question can not be answered from the report. Hope nothing fishy is going on here.


Based on the comparative analysis of TRAVALA's May Monthly Report and the previous month's report, it is evident that the company is currently doing fine with almost stable booking nights and an increase in flights booked. Travala is still the place to go if you plan to exchange crypto for traveling, as 78% of all bookings are paid in crypto (USDT, Binance Pay, and ETH are the top payment options).
We will have an eye on the development of the AVA givebacks for the next months.

As the travel industry continues to recover and blockchain technology gains wider adoption, TRAVALA's commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction positions it as a key player in the market. By consistently improving its platform and expanding partnerships, TRAVALA is well-positioned to capitalize on emerging opportunities and thrive in the ever-evolving travel industry.

