Constest 144: Gender violence [ESP][ENG]

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Contest 144: Violencia de género


Hola Hola

Mi nombre es Ana María Fuentes y lamentablemente sufrí de violencia de género.

Vamos a empezar como cuando entras en una terapia para sanar esas adicciones o lo que sufras en ese momento.

No te voy a decir lo que viví, te voy a decir cómo salí de ahí. Creo que es de más ayuda para tí que contarte mi historia.


Luego de que yo me diera cuenta que estaba sufriendo de violecia doméstica, quise evitar por varios meses que se repitiera la agresión, sobretodo verbal. Acusaciones hacia mi persona que no tenían pie ni cabeza.

Al ver esta actitud fue cuando dije que debía salir de esa relación, aunque pasaron meses evitando una situación, igual pasó, es decir, no evites algo que al final va a pasar.

Cuando tomé la decisión de irme un día, el hombre hizo lo que yo estaba evitando, un desastre, rompió la casa y no me dejaba salir de casa. Parecía una bestia y se comportaba como tal.


Nos sacaron a mi hijo y a mí con policias, entre 4 hombres tuvieron que aguantar al demonio que estaba en esa casa. Sin pensarlo, me fui con mi hijo a medio vestir y sin pañales.

Me llevaron a la fiscalia, puse la denuncia, me cambiaron de casa, pero al final, lo que calmó todo fue que el hombre se fue del país y ya no hubo más violencia psicológica.

Es importante que no pienses en irte, al final, lo que estas evitando, va a pasar. No esperes que te maten, ni a ti ni a tus hijos.

Si es de dejar la casa, tu ropa y lo que sea que tengas material, dejalos. Si es de comenzar de cero, comienza.


No dejes que nadie te haga daño ni te haga sentir menos de lo que tu eres.


Ese es mi mensaje para ti.




Contest 144: Gender violence

Hello hello

My name is Ana María Fuentes and unfortunately I suffered from gender violence.

Let's start like when you enter a therapy to heal those addictions or whatever you suffer at that moment.

I'm not going to tell you what I lived, I'm going to tell you how I got out of there. I think it's more helpful to you than telling you my story.


After I realized that I was suffering from domestic violence, I wanted to avoid a repeat of the aggression, especially verbal, for several months. Accusations against me that had no head or tail.

Seeing this attitude was when I said that I had to get out of that relationship, although they spent months avoiding a situation, it still happened, that is, do not avoid something that will eventually happen.

When I made the decision to leave one day, the man did what I was avoiding, a disaster, he broke the house and wouldn't let me leave the house. It looked like a beast and behaved like one.


They took my son and me out with the police, among 4 men they had to put up with the demon that was in that house. Without thinking, I left with my son half-dressed and without diapers.

They took me to the prosecutor's office, I filed a complaint, they changed my house, but in the end, what calmed everything down was that the man left the country and there was no more psychological violence.

It is important that you do not think about leaving, in the end, what you are avoiding will happen. Don't expect them to kill you, neither you nor your children.

If it is to leave the house, your clothes and whatever you have material, leave them. If it's starting from scratch, start.


Do not let anyone hurt you or make you feel less than you are.


That is my message to you.

Soy Ana Fuentes💜💜


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Oh my dear that's such a terror that you had to go through. Good that you could get out of that traumatic situation, it will also make a difference in your child's life, else you do not know how he would be influence with that type of behavior. Hope you are in a better place in your life now with your Son.


Yes, we are very far away and that man, however, everything improved, there was no more violence and Thank God my son did not experience that behavior of his father so that he remembers it, he was little.

Thanks for your message.


Removing yourself out of an abusive situation was the best thing you did for yourself and little one, at the time living through a nightmare, how far you have come.



At this time I have been very well, there are consequences that only affect the relationship I may have with him for being the father of my son.

However, I try not to affect me with anyone else.

Still, after so long I haven't had a partner again, so I hope that if someone comes, everything will be harmonious.

Thanks for your message.


Raising your son will take most of your time and effort, should someone come along where you find true happiness always a possibility. Have a wonderful day.


Es muy doloroso por lo que pasaste sin duda alguna, seguramente quieres olvidar todo ese pasado, has hecho un gran esfuerzo al compartirlo con la esperanza que otras damas que estén pasando por esa situación se den cuenta que tienen salida. Muchísimo éxito y agradecida por tocar un tema tan fuerte para muchas. Un gran abrazo de sanación para ti y tu niño. @soyanafuentes

It is very painful for what you went through without a doubt, surely you want to forget all that past, you have made a great effort by sharing it with the hope that other ladies who are going through this situation realize that they have a way out. Much success and grateful for touching such a strong topic for many. A big healing hug for you and your child.


Muchas gracias, Sra Sacra.

La verdad que eso pasó hace mucho y hoy día quiero que esas mujeres sepan que no están solas y que si se puede empezar de nuevo.


Am happy for you that you bolden up and took the courage to leave the house without looking back

If it is to leave the house, your clothes and whatever you have material, leave them. If it's starting from scratch, start.

Thanks for voicing out and your suggestions too is a great lesson @soyanafuentes
