Being a good son and taking care of your parents a great job [ESP][ENG]

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Ser buen hijo y cuidar de tus padres un gran trabajo

Hola Hola

Vengo a hacer a una pequeña reflexión sobre algo que me causó mucha incomodidad. Siendo hoy el día de cumplir 1 año de muerte de mi abuela.

A veces nos cargamos padres que no son nuestros pero como abuelos los cuidaron, atendieron y alimentaron cuando eramos pequeños.

Mi abuela no era la mujer mas cariñosa del mundo pero a nosotros no nos faltaba nada, incluso no nos faltaba amor, a su manera ella lo expresaba.

Cuando estaba en vida, e incluso tuve lapsus luego de su muerte que me preocupaba lo que iba a comer, incluso la contaba en el menú, algo ya de rutina.

Hoy me senté un momento, a agradecerle por existir y por darle vida a mi papá que a su vez me la dió a mí, sin miedo a vivir el mundo con 5 hijos. Los cuales solo 3 fueron los que vieron por su salud todos los días que ella estuvo enferma y anciana.

Me da tristeza ser alguien rencorosa pero no con entiendo la manera de que ciertos hijos se hacen la vista gorda con sus padres, cuando estos dieron la vida por sus hijos, siempre estuvieron ahí apoyándolos.

Cuando ellos están ancianos o enfermos también hay que cuidarlos.

Me acuerdo cuando mi abuelo ciego, con demencia senil y movimientos involuntarios, yo descansaba con él luego del almuerzo. Porque cuando ellos están así la gente se les aleja y ni hablan con ellos.

Aunque digan que no, ellos sienten emociones asi no sepan que el mundo es mundo.

Mi abuelo no le reconocía, yo le decia que me dieran la bendición, me la daba muy amorosamente con beso y todo.

Hoy por 1 año de su muerte, salieron todos los que no la cuidaron, a rezar y llorar por ella.

Que lastima, ojalá sanen o ¿tengo que sanar yo?


Being a good son and taking care of your parents a great job

Hello hello

I come to do a little reflection on something that caused me a lot of discomfort. Being today the day of turning 1 year of death of my grandmother.

Sometimes we kill parents who are not ours but as grandparents they took care of them, attended and fed them when we were little.

My grandmother was not the most affectionate woman in the world but we did not lack for anything, we did not even lack love, in her own way she expressed it.

When I was alive, and I even had slips after his death that I was worried about what I was going to eat, I even included it on the menu, something already routine.

Today I sat down for a moment, to thank you for existing and for giving life to my dad who in turn gave it to me, without fear of living the world with 5 children. Which only 3 were the ones who saw for her health every day that she was sick and old.

It makes me sad to be someone spiteful but I do not understand the way that certain children turn a blind eye to their parents, when they gave their lives for their children, they were always there supporting them.

When they are old or sick, you also have to take care of them.

I remember when my blind grandfather, with senile dementia and involuntary movements, I rested with him after lunch. Because when they are like this, people move away from them and don't even talk to them.

Even if they say no, they feel emotions even if they don't know that the world is the world.

My grandfather didn't recognize him, I told him to give me his blessing, he gave it to me very lovingly with a kiss and everything.

Today for 1 year of her death, all those who did not care for her came out to pray and cry for her.

What a pity, I hope they heal or do I have to heal myself?

Soy Ana Fuentes💜💜

-Fotos Redmi Note 9S
