WOO - Top 5 Royal Rumble Moments That Shook the Ring


Greetings to my favorite gaming Community online, WOO.

It's @skyehi and I'm back again to continue my series on epic wrestling lists. For today's list we're looking at one of the most famous and grand events in WWE which happens to be the biggest pro wrestling promtion company in the world.

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Royal Royal is more like what starts the engines of the car headed towards WrestleMania, the ultimate wrestling showdown of the year. It's usually themed, Road To WrestleMania.

The Royal Rumble is indeed one of the most anticipated and exciting events in the world of professional wrestling.

The matches combine chaos, surprise entrants, and incredible athleticism. It gets to a point where it becomes really heated because you could have more than ten superstars in the ring battling each other with the aim of throwing opponents off the top rope.

Over the years, the Royal Rumble has given us countless memorable moments, but there are a select few that truly stand out as the moments that shook the ring and left fans in complete shock..

This blog is inspired by those Royal Rumble Moments and I hope you'll enjoy it guys.


Stone Cold Steve Austin's Three-Peat (1997-1999)

Stone Cold Steve Austin is very synonymous with the Royal Rumble. His three consecutive victories in 1997, 1998, and 1999 remain one of the most iconic and defining moments in Rumble history. It's definitely a record that is mentioned everytime we're talking about Royal Rumble records.

Austin's resilience and his ability to outlast 29 other competitors made these victories really legendary. His 1997 win especially, where he was eliminated but the referees didn't see it, was a testament of his cunningness and determination.

I know you're probably thinking how's that even legal but that's WWE for you 😂


Shawn Michaels' Improbable Win (1995)

The 1995 Royal Rumble had Shawn Michaels enter at number one and he managed to last for over 38 minutes, eventually eliminating the British Bulldog to win the entire match.

Michaels' ability to defy the odds and outlast 29 other superstars really solidified his reputation as "The Heartbreak Kid" and showed his incredible in-ring skills.

Trust me when I say it's no easy task to be able to wrestle for even 5 minutes and to talk of 36 minutes in a Royal Rumble match. Shawn Michaels definitely deserves a spot in our list of greatest Royal Rumble Moments.


Rey Mysterio's Record-Breaking Victory (2006)

In 2006, Rey Mysterio entered the Royal Rumble at number two and out lasted every other wrestler to eventually win the match. This was one of the records in Royal Rumble history. He lasted over an hour beating Shawn Michael's Record of 38 minutes.

His victory, dedicated to his late friend Eddie Guerrero, was a really emotional and thrilling moment.

Mysterio has this underdog look because of his height of 5ft 4. He's usually the little man in almost every one of his matches. He's known in WWE as the biggest little man because in spite of his size or height he has still won most of his matches and has been world champion multiple times


John Cena's Surprise Return (2008):

You certainly know we cannot talk about epic wrestling moments without the greatest of all time John Cena.

In 2008, John Cena made a shocking and unexpected return at the Royal Rumble which was literally just four months after suffering a torn pectoral muscle.

His entry at number 30, with the crowd cheering, remains one of the most surprising and electric moments in Rumble history.

I can never forget that moment and the look on Triple H's face when John Cena's beat was played as the 30th entry to the 2008 Royal Rumble match. Cena went on to win that match.


The 2010 Edge Surprise (2010)

The 2010 Royal Rumble had the WWE Universe very excited. Edge, who had apparently been sidelined with an Achilles injury, made a surprise return as entrant number 29.

That dramatic entrance and subsequent victory after the entrance were breathtaking moments, and Edge's triumph was celebrated like a fairytale comeback story.

The rated R superstar can never be forgotten in the hearts of wrestling fans out there.

To draw the curtains on today's epic wrestling list, these top 5 Royal Rumble moments represent the essence of the Royal Rumble unpredictability, resilience, and unforgettable surprises.

Moments like these are what make wrestling a loved and followed sport all over the world right now. I'm very hopeful that there will be even bigger moments in the future.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read today's blog. I hope you enjoyed this one guys. For our special comment challenge today;

Which Wrestler's Return or Comeback was Your Favorite?

My answer to that question is Roman Reigns's return during the COVID-19 season when he entered a match between Bray Wyatt and Brown Strowman for the universal championship and won in 2019.

From that time till now, he has never lost the belt. That's our tribal chief guys.

Have a lovely day and catch you next time on Wrestling Organization Online. Bye guys.


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