P2E Games Like WOO and Its Future


Greetings to my favorite gaming commission online, WOO

It's another beautiful and fantastic day and I'm always happy to be back with another blog post for everyone. Today's blog would not be about WOO in particular but all things similar to WOO. I'm talking about Play To Earn games online (P2E)

Let's delve into the exciting world of Play-to-Earn (P2E) games on the Hive Blockchain. There are certainly a lot of P2E games online including does connected to the Hive Blockchain like our very own Wrestling Organization Online, Splinterlands and Terracore.

Original Image Source by cromaconceptovisual from Pixabay

Now guys just incase you were wondering what P2E stands for, it's "play to earn," and it's really all about turning your leisure time into a rewarding experience. You get to make literal money from enjoying some game time.

I'm already a big gamer but my first ever P2E game experience made me realize how the future of gaming would really look like.

I always thought it was just about Virtual Reality and Augmented reality but I saw the real secret of the future gaming.

Now, it's pretty obvious there's already a lot of cool games around. Literally thousands of them. It is not easy to standout as a game development company for making cool games because there's just too many of them out there.

For instance if you say Splinterlands is cool then what about Wrestling Organization Online and Terracore or Rising Star.

Even when we talk about games outside Hive, you might think Rockstar games are nice then what about Electronic Arts or Big Fish Games. Even the best of the bests are still in a tight competition to become overall best.

My point is that people are very used to cool games, the difference maker in the future will certainly be what else they get from the games besides fun. This is when P2E becomes legendary.

The companies that can offer the most rewards in their quality games will certain be the biggest in the future of gaming.

There's a huge collection of Play-to-Earn games available now, some of them are even decentralized apps (DAPPs) right here on the Hive. Blockchain.

On the Hive Blockchain, you can easily find some very cool Play-to-Earn games like World Wrestling Organization, Splinterlands, Terracore and Rising Star Games.

The ones I just mentioned are among the most popular P2E games on Hive.

These games which are obviously powered by blockchain technology, give players the opportunity to earn cryptocurrencies as rewards for completing missions and winning battles.

But there's even more to it than just the crypto rewards you get. You also get to own your very own in-game items.

My personal favorite P2E game or DAPP on Hive just gotta be Wrestling Organization Online WOO.

The reason is very simple. I've always been a wrestling fan literally my whole life, so stumbling upon a game that combines my love for wrestling with the potential to earn? That's pretty awesome, guys. It's a win-win for me.

My very thrilling journey with WOO began when I joined their discord page and engaged in conversations with fellow wrestling fans and WOO enthusiasts. We have our main leader "Bookerman" who's both generous and fun. We also have Tobias who is the lead developer of the game.

It was an awesome experience, and I even received my first game tokens as a reward in WOO tokens.

One really interesting thing about P2E games like WOO is the ability to own and trade in-game items. You can win wrestling belts and NFTs.

Bookerman gave me a free membership belt in their discord community when I joined the first day. I gotta tell you this guys, I felt like a real champion and an OG. 🥰

Now, here's the cooler thing about P2E games on Hive. They are not just about games to earn rewards but they're also a form of investment.

The value of each game token can rise really high which makes you profit after your investment is made. Also the worth of in-game items like the NFTs can appreciate significantly over time so I think it's definitely worth holding onto them guys.

So to draw the curtains on my brief blog post today, what I'm trying to say is this: get your laptop or phone, hop online, find a P2E game like WOO, Splinterlands, or Terracore and get you some rewards ❤️🎮💵

Of course money is not the only thing about these games, the experience is an even bigger factor.

I hope you enjoyed this very brief blog post. As always guys, you can leave a question or a suggestion in the comments section and I'll be more than happy to respond to it

Have a lovely day guys and catch you next time on Wrestling Organization Online. Bye Guys❤️

You Can Follow Me @skyehi For More Like This And Others

If you are excited and want to join the WOO game online, I'll share the link below guys. 👇

Link to the WOO page below 👇


I also took the liberty of sharing the community discord page so you can get to interact with your new WOO family on discord. It's a pleasurable experience joining the WOO Discord community. That's were you'll get your wrestling belt as a member. Bye guys ❤️

Link to the WOO Discord Community 👇

WOO Discord Community

