Keeping the Bond between Twins Inspired by this Song - Stay By Justin Bieber and The Kid LAROI

Greetings to everyone in "Q Inspired-by-Music".

Yesterday I shared a blog on how one of my favorites songs today "Good 4 U" by Olivia Rodrigo helped me overcome a heartbreak I had early this year.

I'v basically turned into a music lover since then. A lot of songs have made great impact in my life and relationships.

It's not just romantic relationships, but family too. Here's another story about how this popular song Stay by Justin Bieber and The Kid LAROI helped create a stronger bond between myself and my twin brother.

Polish_20231103_131104005.jpgOriginal Image Source by 3194556 from Pixabay

To be honest, sitting down to write this, I can't help but think about the song "Stay" and how it has become one of the soundtracks of my life.

One thing I haven't told many people on Hive is that I'm actually a twin, and the song perfectly captures the journey my twin brother, Ricki and I have been on.

Our bond is a really deep and special one, but like all other siblings, we've had our fair share of disagreements and differences over the years. Some usually adore the beauty of twins and it's true, it's like having a partner for life but it's not all roses guys.

Growing up, we were inseparable. Our birthdays were a time of celebration not just for another year but also for the unique connection we shared.

But as time passed, our personalities started to diverge. That's usually what aging does to everyone. Although we may seem super identical on the outside, we're almost like direct opposites on the inside.

Because of that situation, he's able to compliment my weakness perfectly. Most of my weaknesses are his strengths and my strengths are his weakness.


Our interests changed, and we found ourselves arguing more often. It felt like the harmony of our relationship was turning into a discordant tune.

Then the music"Stay" entered my life back in 2021.

I remember watching it the first time on the big screen in our living room and the heartfelt lyrics, the emotion in Justin Bieber's voice, and The Kid LAROI's verses struck a chord deep within my heart.

It was almost as if they had written the words that we couldn't express ourselves. We had a lot of confusion and each argument was a reason to go our separate ways but this song really inspired me to realize although we ague a lot, I can't help but want my twin to stay with me. Ricki felt the same about it.

The song became our guiding light and our inspiration. During one of the most trying times of our relationship, "Stay" was there to help us find our way back to each other.


A little detail on how the confusion and arguments escalated.

We worked on the same job and mostly when it came to picking roles, duties and sharing incomes, things could get a bit confusing.

Misunderstandings came in a lot of times but no matter how many times we argued, we both new we wanted to stay with each other.

There were times where a girl could enter our lives and since we're very identical, there could be a little confusion about which one the guy stays with. Ricki is more of an extrovert so he made a lot of friends including female ones.

I am more of an introvert but have a romantic fun loving side. So most times that Ricki would bring a girl over as a friend, I might end up impressing her a bit more and that usually led to fights.

I learned to avoid doing that because I'd rather keep my Twin brother than a new girl.

The lyrics of the song resonated with us, especially lines like "I do the same thing I told you that I never would. I told you I'd change, even when I knew I never could." It felt like the singers had written those words for me.

I told him I'll change so we can have less arguments but I knew it would be super difficult and I'll probably fail a couple of times before hopefully changing for him.

We both realized that, no matter how many arguments we had, we couldn't imagine a life without each other. The lyrics of "Stay" weren't just words to me; they were a literal call to action.

Inspired by the song, I decided it was time for an honest conversation.

We sat down and talked openly, addressing all the issues that had been causing tension between us. We brought up relationship issues and work issues.

We admitted our differences and our past mistakes, some of which were very ridiculous. There were laughter and moments of realization.

Through it all, we found forgiveness and acceptance for each other.

As we went through life, "Stay" remained my anthem. It was a constant reminder to me of the importance of brotherhood, understanding, and forgiveness.

Now although this song was about the complexity of an intimate or romantic relationship, it has actually managed to create a stronger bond between two brothers.

The song encouraged us to stay together, no matter the challenges and difficulties life threw our way.

Two years have passed since the song, and Ricki and I have grown, both individually and as a united pair.

"Stay" is still my go-to song when I need a reminder of the strength of our twin bond.


I really can show enough gratitude to both Justin Bieber and The Kid LAROI for creating a song that has become the soundtrack of my life.

"Stay" isn't just a song to me but an inspiration, and a melody that will continue to play in the background of my life.

Thank you, Justin Bieber and The Kid LAROI, for providing the soundtrack to our lifelong bond. And I'm very grateful to "Q Inspired-by-Music" for providing the perfect platform to share these stories inspired by some of the best music out there.

I'll end my blog by saying thank you all for taking the time to read. I'm pretty sure this song "Stay" has inspired many others to keep good relationships despite the challenges invloved.

Although it's a pretty awesome song to listen to, its lyrics hold more value and it can be a life or should I say relationship saver.

Let me take the liberty of sharing the link to the original video guys. I hope you'll enjoy it. Have a lovely day and catch you next time on Q Inspired-by-Music. Bye guys👩‍🎤


It is nice knowing you are twin, and I can see how this music has inspired you both to stay together despite all that is happening.

Knowing your weaknesses and strength ms and then complimenting each other is beautiful to the soul.


Yes dearest, Rick and I have stayed together tight since then. I'll definitely tell him about your compliment to my story ❤️🥰 I'm grateful for your feedback. Justin Bieber is actually my favorite singer so it was even more Inspiring


Please do, and I wish you both well. Enjoyed the rest of your day😊.


Enjoy your day too dearest friend ❤️❤️🥳🥳🎉
