Money Doesn't Make You Rich


Did the title take you aback? Sorry to disappoint your big expectations, the money you've been accumulating wouldn't make you rich, it might only give you the idea of being rich but actually wouldn't make you rich. It's possible you've heard of millionaires who turned broke or billionaires who are now living on the average. It wasn't because they had no money, it was because they lacked those things that make one rich. Money is only a legal tender accepted by the general public, and wealth goes beyond accumulating a lot of it. Wealth is not a paper or a currency, wealth is an individual who's an asset. Most often the wealth of a man is not calculated by how much money he has laid up in his savings or bank, it's how much assets he has, thus, it requires an asset to make an asset.

Have you ever asked why reading books is so vital? Have you ever asked what makes Bill Gates the richest man or Elon musk wealthy?. It wasn't the legal paper thrown around as money, else many people in the world would have been known in the world today. One doesn't have money before he becomes rich, he's rich before he has money. That might sound a bit confusing, but it's the same reason why many had remained trapped in the rat race. People assume money is wealth, it is to some level but it doesn't make one rich. It makes you appear so to the sight of the average and poor.

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The secret to wealth is who you are. Don't be fast to assume, just a few people actually know who they are. But who you are goes beyond the physical attributes, it is what you know and can do that makes you different from the narrative the world sees. Knowledge is power and that's the key. Bill Gates, despite not completing his college degree knew who he was, himself was an asset to the world as he found Microsoft. The secret is; to be wealthy, you must be of value and it's this value that makes you rich.

Everyone who has made wealth has a value he's adding to a community, nation , or the world, else you're among the 95% who's accumulating money and hoping your savings is enough to give you the life you desire. So, you must first make yourself wealthy before you can make wealth. The pressure to have money today is high among youths. They work hard all day trying to see that they make wealth while missing the vital information that opens the pathway to wealth. So, you're first wealthy before money comes, it doesn't come to a man who's poor in thought. Wealth doesn't come to a man who adds no value, wealth doesn't come to a man who has no knowledge about himself, wealth doesn't come to a man who has not made himself wealthy. Be Rich and you'll be wealthy. I mean become an asset.

I'm not a financial advisor or an Expert. The article is strictly from years of careful observation and personal experience.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
