The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it's all that matters

"The most impactful saying that was said by Audrey Hepburn, an actress and also a humanitarian, who was famous for her wise words is this "The most important thing is that we should all live happily no matter the situation and above all this, this is what is valuable in this life”

This sums what people have learnt a long time ago but remains relevant to this day; it's understood by all mankind Obviously, I am of the opinion that "happiness" is a not only an emotional said but a natural way of the human life, a guiding star, so to speak, which is what should bring our actions and decisions in the right direction.

Her declaration figures out some vital things about what could happen if a person tries to find happiness and the meaning of the life. Then, it will be time to examine what this wish can mean for one's life in the long span.

Upon the alteration of the original phrase by Hepburn in which he states that satisfaction became the main goal to pursue and that humankind had to accept this, what really he is concerned with highlighting is the idea that the purpose of life is seeking pleasure. Modernity, with all its harassment and trials, is full of stress, different kinds of failure, and immeasurability.

Thus, happiness may be a candle in the dark showing the way and teaching perseverance.
From the personal experience, we grasp that the worst part of life unfortunately that is to face with it, doesn't define us. But we grow up in the realisation that contentment could actually be attained in one's inner life as striking out against challenges. Moreover, it's a more instinctive dimension of seeing the world that makes individuals constrained to the present by either not seeking the future always or by not seeking approval and validations from outside.

To be fair, Hepburn’s speech is not merely her opinion but she turns it upside down by overthrowing the patriarchal idea that a man alone is the ultimate success and points out that the greatest fulfillment is right in front of us when we stop striving and are able to find that kind of happiness in every passing moment of life. By donating money, she obviously was seen as being insane.

The society values now career progress and financial success more than the sense of wellbeing and inner peace, but she sends strong message which is that you must understand that life is not about these things and these are not the most valuable things in life. The definition of our goal should thus change from that which points to outer achievement solely to the process that demonstrates the inner peace and authenticity we have obtained in our lives, which will impart a greater sense of success to individuals.

Hepburn's quest for happiness is another basis to positive psychology that is a new branch constantly involved in investigating what goes with human thrive and well being. Just like the negative emotion is not the absence of positive emotions as positive psychology researchers define the happiness, is a state of general wellness that has positive emotions, relationships, and engagement distinguished from it. Healthy living denotes working on your cognitive, emotional, social, spiritual, and physical being, among other aspects of well-being. This nurture and uplift of their lifestyle leads to a better mealtime experience and ultimately an enlightenment of their deepest feeling of fulfillment and actualization.

As a matter of fact, Hepburn's approach seems to suggest the necessity of self-care and of a personal struggle which allows not only to be mentally but also emotionally avoidant. You may get involved in occurring pressures at high stress level and the common case of other workers' burnout when faced with tough circumstances. So, take some time to promote your happiness and your general well-being if all of these might affect you emotionally. Maybe you can strive to do this by meditating or fulfilling your own passions, including the people around you. But the effect of doing things that put a smile on your face can be enormous and dramatic in your life in particular and your degree of happiness or unhappiness, in general.

To conclude, Audrey Hepburn's lifetime life lesson advises us that there is a measure of everything what if keep seeking joy in life, then we as humans should endeavor to live a life of joy. Having the foundation of thankfulness, eudaimonia or feeling well, and together with handling our daily happiness can give us the tools to have a better and happier life.

Regardless of whether we decide to still pursue our ventures or not, let us take one moment to make these words by Hepburn a part of our hearts. Even though they say happiness should be seen as the by-product of a well-lived life and not a goal, we still should quote them word-for-word: Happiness is neither the target, nor the final destination at the end of the road. It
