RE: It's Behind the Corner

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Really liked the message in this pst

The long term is always worth investing in

Both Niches were definitely winners , the wallpaper one had its moment in time,

The motor sport one would have been a lot of maintenance work but like you said , you never know when things will really ake off,.
I have had a few websites that I have kept ticking over in the background, because you never know :)

I also have quite a few domain names registered from business ideas, I keep them just in case :)

You don't know what is around the corner, and you could keep going for ages before things come to fruition,
Crypto has certainly shown us that

I have developed a lot of website for a number of businesses, one was for a friend of mine that is actually a multi millionaire
He had a Real Estate business which I use to do, and he also had a buy and sell site, this is in the late 80's
One site idea he had at the time was a Russian bride site, he had all the contacts etc but I was a bit stubborn and didn't see the sense in it,
had i actually created the site for him, only 5 years later it actually became a big thing,.

Someyimes we have to be driven by sense though, not all open doors are for us, sometimes we have to walk past them.
And some times, if only
however never regrets because like you said, big lessons learnt which allow good forward direction.


Yeah, I agree... All is a big learning process...

One more thing... I clearly remember that in those moments I had in my head thought that "I'm here TOO EARLY...", and exactly that was something that I have talked about in the previous vlog... When we, start something BEFORE anyone else, and we have to push through all the obstacles on your way... It happened to many people through the history... Maybe I didn't succeed in accomplishing that, but I'm quite sure that I have paved the path for someone else that came behind me... and I'm fine with that...

Thanks for an awesome comment... It's always the pleasure of discussing with you and others!
