BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! Equalizer




RULESET: Equalizer


All units start with the same health, based on the highest health on either team.

Buffs and debuffs are done afterward - this impacts base health.

In battles with the Equalizer ruleset, the initial health of all monsters is equal to that of the monster on either team with the highest base health. Ranged Attack Monsters are very powerful monsters that can be very effective in battles, but most of the ones in my deck have low health so I can say that I don't prefer them too much. Because they can be destroyed quickly. But in battles with the Equalizer ruleset, I don't hesitate to add them to my team because their health will be equal to that of the monster with the highest base health, so they won't be easy to destroy. In other words, I usually prefer Ranged Attack Monsters in battles with the Equalizer ruleset. I can clearly say that I prefer Magic Attack Monsters as the second option. I think Ranged and Magic Attack Monsters are more useful in such battles, and I can have a better chance of winning the battles with them. I don't use Melee Attack Monsters much in such battles, but I would like to point out that I use them in the first position and the second position. I can honestly say that the Equalizer ruleset is one of my favorite rulesets.


Battle Link

Battle Ruleset
Keep Your Distance
Holy Protection
Only Fire, Life, Water, and Death splinter can be used
Mana Cap 59

  • Equalizer rule : The initial Health of all Monsters is equal to that of the Monster on either team with the highest base Health.
  • Keep Your Distance rule : Monsters with Melee attack may not be used in battles.
  • Holy Protection rule : All Monsters have the Divine Shield ability.

My Strategy

In battles with the equalizer ruleset, my favorite unit is Life, so I chose the Life Unit without hesitation in this battle. I was going to choose General Sloan as the Summoner in this battle, but after reviewing the opposing player's last 5 battles, I thought the opposing player would prefer Magic Attack Monsters in this battle, so I decided to prefer Grandmaster Rathe as the summoner. In this battle, I decided to put Magic Attack Monsters on the front lines and put powerful Ranged attack Monsters in the last two positions. I believed that I would be more likely to win this battle with this strategy and I formed the team as follows.

Line Up


Grandmaster Rathe is a Summoner that gives +1 Armor, Void Armor Ability, and Amplify Ability to all friendly Monsters. I thought it would give my team a huge advantage if all the Monsters on my team had Void Armor Ability, Amplify Ability and +1 Armor in this battle, so I chose Grandmaster Rathe as the Summoner for this battle.

  • Void Armor Ability : Magic Attacks hit the armor of Monsters with the Void Armor Ability before their Health.
  • Amplify Ability : Monsters with the Amplify Ability increase Magic Reflect, Return Fire, and Thorns damage to all enemy monsters by 1.


Pelacor Conjurer has no attack power but has Flying Ability and Magic Reflect Ability at level 5. The most important reason I chose him in this battle was because he had the Magic Reflect Ability, also in this battle all the monsters in my team would have the Amplify Ability. When Magic Reflect Ability and Amplify Ability are used together, they deal very effective back damage against Magic Attack Monsters. I put Pelacor Conjurer in first position in my team.

  • Flying Ability : Has an increased chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from Monsters who do not have the Flying ability.
  • Magic Reflect Ability : When hit with Magic damage, does reduced Magic damage back to the attacker.

Position 2: TIME MEDDLER

Time Meddler is a monster that can attack the target with Magic Attacks and has the Dodge ability. I put him in second position in this battle. The reason I chose him and put him in second position was because he has the Dodge Ability. Having the Dodge Ability, he could avoid Ranged attacks in this battle.

  • Dodge Ability : Has an increased chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks.


Runemancer Atuat is a monster that can attack the target with Magic Attacks and has the Headwinds Ability. The most important reason why I chose him in this battle was because he had the Headwinds Ability. Since he has the Headwinds Ability, he reduces the Ranged attack of all enemy Monsters by -1. Also, since he has 3 armors, I put him in the third position.

  • Headwinds Ability : Reduces the Ranged attack of all enemy Monsters.


Adelade Brightwing is my favorite monster in this type of battle, so I added her to my team without hesitation. Adelade Brightwing is a Monster with powerful abilities that can attack a target with Magic Attacks. Adelade Brightwing has the Flying Ability, the Repair Ability and the Resurrect Ability at level 2. Adelaide Brightwing is very useful to the team in battles with her abilities, so I am lucky to have such a card in such battles. I put her in fourth position.

  • Flying Ability : Has an increased chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from Monsters who do not have the Flying ability.
  • Repair Ability : Restores some armor to the friendly Monster whose armor has taken the most damage.
  • Resurrect Ability : When a friendly Monster dies it is brought back to life with 1 Health. This ability can only trigger once per battle.


Pelacor Arbalest is a Monster that can attack the target with Ranged Attacks and has the Double Strike Ability. The most important reason I chose him in this battle was because he had the Double Strike Ability. Attacking the target twice each round in battles is very efficient, so I like the Double Strike Ability. I'm putting him in last positions since he can't attack when he's in the first position. I put it in fifth position in this battle.

  • Double Strike Ability : Monster attacks twice each round.


Prismologist is a powerful monster that can attack the target with Ranged Attacks. Also Prismologist has the Blast Ability at level 2. The most important reason why I prefer the Prismologist in this battle is that she has the Blast Ability. The Prismologist's attacks can be truly brutal and devastating, sometimes even destroying two enemy monsters in one hit. I'm putting her in last positions since she can't attack when she's in the first position. I put her in last position in this battle.

  • Blast Ability : Does additional damage to Monsters adjacent to the target Monster.

Battle Comments

Battle Link

Frankly, the opponent's strategy was very good and there were similarities in our strategy, I can even say that the opponent team was more powerful than my team. Although the opposing team seemed more advantageous at the beginning of the battle, having Pelacor Conjurer and Runemancer Atuat in my team enabled my team to pass the advantage in the battle. Frankly, I have seen a great benefit in this battle by creating a strategy according to the opponent.

From the first round, both teams attacked quite strongly. However, the fact that magic attack monsters on the opposing team took back damage and especially the attack power of enemy ranged attack monsters was reduced by -1 prevented them from being very effective in this battle. Frankly, the team's attacks were much more effective and much more powerful in this battle. The fact that both teams missed some attacks caused the battle to take a little longer, but my team managed to win this battle.


The battle lasted for 10 rounds, even though the opposing team was more powerful, at the end of the battle, all the monsters on the opposite team were destroyed, while 4 monsters from my team managed to survive. My strategy worked pretty well in this battle and my team managed to win this battle even though the opposing team was more powerful. I usually strategize according to the opponent and I can clearly say that it works in many battles and I saw the benefit in this battle. I recommend you to watch this great and quite challenging battle from the battle link. I hope you will like it.

Battle Results


What are your thoughts on the battle? I would be glad if you write your thoughts in the comments.

Battle Link

Would you like to join Splinterlands? Here is my reference link


!1UP Good work!



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I'm glad you liked it. Thanks. !PGM !PIZZA !CTP

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