RE: Web 3.0: Time To Stop The Extraction


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I think we're in a bit of a chicken-or-the-egg situation right now. There is plenty of value within web 3.0 ecosystems already, but too many people only see the value as BTC or fiat. Not enough people see the investable value that we have, even just here on Hive. If we can get HBD or Hive incorporated into (more?) payment platforms, we could probably see that start to turn around. I really do believe in the title of your post from a couple of days ago (Every Account Can Be A Media Company), and as Hive grows, it could very well be the new Medium, Forbes, YouTube, etc. When I have a few minutes to sit and think about that, I get really excited imagining how much different the media landscape WILL be in a few years, because that WILL change the way people view their investments/extraction when it comes to their media creation. Imagine creators on 3Speak developing the kind of notoriety YouTube now has, but it doesn't rely on ads or selling a "premium" service to make money and continue operating!
